Message from @DishonoredRonin

Discord ID: 763095086627422248

2020-10-06 14:15:54 UTC  

Jewish people have already been arrested for insulting “prophet Mohammed” and Muslims have been arrested for protestful actions idk how else to explain it

2020-10-06 17:07:42 UTC  

There has been turmoil on the Temple Mount for decades. It especially got heated in the intifada’s. As of right now, it’s relatively calm. Once the annexation happens in the next few years, a third intifada or something of the sort will probably cause the conflict to escalate and boil over. That’s my thoughts, anyways.

2020-10-06 17:09:11 UTC  

Give “palestine” to Israel

2020-10-06 17:09:58 UTC  

Not really Palestine. It’s israel with Palestinian occupation. They won that land in the war, and they dwelled into it for thousands of years. Palestinians have no right to be there.

2020-10-06 17:11:20 UTC  

They don’t take care of the land, they have a corrupt government. If you look at Israel VS Palestine side by side, you see green on Israel’s side, and brown on the Palestinian side. When Israel first became a nation, the land was barren.

2020-10-06 17:22:51 UTC  

> Not really Palestine. It’s israel with Palestinian occupation. They won that land in the war, and they dwelled into it for thousands of years. Palestinians have no right to be there.
@HeisRisen exactly why it was in quotes

2020-10-06 17:24:29 UTC  

I see

2020-10-06 17:25:14 UTC  

Yeah my grandma was Jewish (she became Christian) and I am a Christian so I am pro Israel

2020-10-06 17:26:53 UTC  

That’s cool, I am a Christian as well.

2020-10-06 17:27:10 UTC  

Jews play a big part in end times, since their messiah will be the anti-Christ.

2020-10-06 17:28:03 UTC  

But of course, that’s why we share the gospel with them.

2020-10-06 17:29:01 UTC  

Is that really what happens?

2020-10-06 17:29:14 UTC  

Their messiah is the anti-Christ ?

2020-10-06 17:30:20 UTC  

They don’t want to believe in Christianity for one main reason and that’s the holy trinity they cannot except that God can coexist in all three the son the father and the Holy Spirit

2020-10-06 17:30:42 UTC  

But I didn’t realize that the anti christ they will see as God

2020-10-06 17:30:46 UTC  

Kinda weird

2020-10-06 17:32:24 UTC  

> Their messiah is the anti-Christ ?
@rick harrison some people think that. What is said about the antichrist is that basically the whole world, outside of Christians will view him as their savior

2020-10-06 17:33:42 UTC  

> They don’t want to believe in Christianity for one main reason and that’s the holy trinity they cannot except that God can coexist in all three the son the father and the Holy Spirit
@rick harrison I think from the Bible it’s more likely that the Jews don’t believe in Jesus because they can’t accept that God would become a man, and because they want to hold onto their law

2020-10-06 17:39:10 UTC  

are we allowed to do wargames here?

2020-10-06 17:39:21 UTC  

or stuff like that

2020-10-06 17:47:26 UTC  

I would guess any kind of gaming would go under <#728414443901550602>

2020-10-06 17:48:50 UTC  

by wargames i basically mean stuff like tabletop games

2020-10-06 17:48:56 UTC  

like stuff like risk

2020-10-06 17:50:47 UTC  

I figured. I gave my best guess.

2020-10-06 17:53:49 UTC  

> But I didn’t realize that the anti christ they will see as God
@rick harrison

To them, the messiah hasn’t come yet. They don’t believe Jesus was the messiah, even though he fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. They don’t view their messiah as the anti-Christ, but he will be.

2020-10-06 18:11:50 UTC  

If you want the best interpretation of the bible learn about the Hebrew one. English one leaves so much out

2020-10-06 18:38:20 UTC  

Well he hasn’t fulfilled all the prophecies. That’s what the second coming is @HeisRisen

2020-10-06 18:38:55 UTC  

They don’t believe in a second coming, they believe in a first coming. And they don’t believe he’ll come like Jesus did.

2020-10-06 18:39:27 UTC  

But the antichrist will come like Jesus did

2020-10-06 18:41:26 UTC  

As revelation says so

2020-10-06 18:42:12 UTC  

But then again revelation was a vision from John and John said words couldn’t describe what he had saw

2020-10-06 18:42:31 UTC  

Because John knew not of what he witnessed it was nothing seen before

2020-10-06 19:47:26 UTC  

In the days of the tribulation, at least the second half, you either have to worship the anti-christ (or his image) or you die

2020-10-06 19:47:44 UTC  

So praise the Lord for the rapture

2020-10-06 19:49:32 UTC  

This is one reason why we have to reach as many as possible with the gospel.
Not only could they die anytime really, but it would spare them from the horrors of the tribulation period

2020-10-06 22:35:33 UTC  

The rapture will occur before all of us die?

2020-10-06 22:37:10 UTC  

But as I see it, either way as Paul said death is gain and life is Christ

2020-10-06 23:03:35 UTC  

@Zilla That's disgusting! how much for five?

2020-10-06 23:03:41 UTC  


2020-10-07 00:14:02 UTC  

absolutely unnecessary! I want one.