Message from @alex5428alex
Discord ID: 777452114137055264
that or there may be higher-up kids already got wink-wink-nudge-nudge toward a specific position -- which is also plausible
Effort into the aplication should not matter when you have the top grade given from the military
Also i applied the second it opened
The is curently a lot of cases with corruption in the military so who knows
> Effort into the aplication should not matter when you have the top grade given from the military
@alex5428alex i'd incline to disagree with this. the assumption that you'll have the job is arrogance -- maybe they don't like that
> The is curently a lot of cases with corruption in the military so who knows
@alex5428alex i wasn't in vietnam when my friends started having army training, but corruption in the military is definitely one of the way the politicians or officers ensure their kids are in a comfy spot
Also wish denmark spend more on our military. I think we have 44 tanks
And only spend 1.3% bnp
Barracs are faling apart and there are complains about quality of everything all the time
> Also wish denmark spend more on our military. I think we have 44 tanks
@alex5428alex that's.....terrible. even vietnam had more than that lmao
They are 44 up to dat tanks tho
but i guess denmark boasts as the best country in the world to live in so there's trade off
Not like russias 10.000 t34 still in use kappa
Denmark is best country to live in for working people
Not for people making money
They get ripped by the government
working people make money lmao
I ment the lower class working people
And for people not working at all tbf
because of the free benefits?
true. true. but free healthcare is great
Great but ineficcient
we've free healthcare in canada here and we never use it 😂
we still have to pay insurance for everything
I believe 1.1 million people work for the government out of 5.5 total population
> I believe 1.1 million people work for the government out of 5.5 total population that
@alex5428alex with that much bureaucracy no wonder the army has no money
Only political partt saying cut down on governmwnt size has like 5% of votes
yeah, well. once the environment was encroached in your life you don't want to remove it. it's sad
And when rich people complain that they dont think an extra tax on them because they earn more is fair they are told they are greedy pigs and they need to carry the biggest load
So yeah great country
Also police is also underfunded
My uncle is a policeman he says it is not somewhere you want to work
sounds about right. european (especially the so call "socialist" countries) has a silent culture and they don't talk about it
Ye pretend everything is fine will you look away and yell THE CLIMATE thats us in a nutshell
> My uncle is a policeman he says it is not somewhere you want to work
@alex5428alex a lot of people were praising denmark cops for the nonviolent tactics though. but i read up articles where cops still face similar dangerous situation like in usa (ie. domestic violence) and still need to carry guns
> Ye pretend everything is fine will you look away and yell THE CLIMATE thats us in a nutshell
@alex5428alex lord forbid you from ever thinking climate change is not real and should not be hysterical over!
In general cops arent very violent but i think it depends on the area. We have some places where cops only enter in groups and if they carry guns or they will get beaten up
And solar and wind energy is a hoax