Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 777459858093113344

2020-11-15 08:55:49 UTC  

Also people in europe claim to have freedom of speach... in germany owning mein kampf is illigal but owning karl marx manifesto is totaly cool so ye nice free speach

2020-11-15 08:55:53 UTC  

> Well at least not boring
@alex5428alex thanks! entertaining people is my favourite thing

2020-11-15 08:57:15 UTC  

> Also people in europe claim to have freedom of speach... in germany owning mein kampf is illigal but owning karl marx manifesto is totaly cool so ye nice free speach
@alex5428alex wow, no wonder Germany is going on the socialist route. also, free speech in Europe is usually "you agree with what we set out" and not stepping out of line. which is what, surprise, also what vietnam practiced

2020-11-15 08:57:21 UTC  

38k religious motivated terrorist attacks since 9/11

2020-11-15 08:58:07 UTC  

> 38k religious motivated terrorist attacks since 9/11
@alex5428alex my friends would still say that religion is fine and it's the lunatics that took it too far

2020-11-15 08:59:22 UTC  

Well 2/3 of muslims support sharia law which say stoning women i cool

2020-11-15 08:59:50 UTC  

they never answer that lmao

2020-11-15 08:59:58 UTC  

Idd argue the “moderate” muslims who never condemm terror attacks are the minority

2020-11-15 09:01:11 UTC  

And for some reason islam is the only troubelsome religion on mass in the world afaik

2020-11-15 09:01:33 UTC  

> Idd argue the “moderate” muslims who never condemm terror attacks are the minority
@alex5428alex the person who i angered was a muslim, actually. she was very upset when trump said to ban muslims from entering the usa until america sorted it out

2020-11-15 09:02:54 UTC  

> And for some reason islam is the only troubelsome religion on mass in the world afaik
@alex5428alex right. but the counter argument you'd run into is christianity did more damage in the past. not that's it's an excuse -- but these people believed they are doing it for god

2020-11-15 09:03:52 UTC  

First argument is that is fake news

2020-11-15 09:04:38 UTC  

Second is cristianity did reform from catholicism into protestantism

2020-11-15 09:04:49 UTC  

Islam still lacks a reform

2020-11-15 09:06:02 UTC  

> First argument is that is fake news
@alex5428alex lmao i told her "I think it's pretty fair a country want to be selective of who it lets in, especially when those that got let in keep bombing their country" -- she thinks it's Islamophobic and also i'm a terrible being for even linking religions to people

2020-11-15 09:06:42 UTC  


2020-11-15 09:07:24 UTC  

The best argument i have ever won was when i got accused of being racist and i simply answerd so what? They went quiet after that xD

2020-11-15 09:07:26 UTC  

> Second is cristianity did reform from catholicism into protestantism
@alex5428alex i thought they are separate branches? nonetheless, though, christinity or jesus christ was used as an excuse to reform native kids, etc. -- ie. some fuck-up stuff.

2020-11-15 09:07:54 UTC  

> The best argument i have ever won was when i got accused of being racist and i simply answerd so what? They went quiet after that xD
@alex5428alex i think they were surprised you'd admit to being a racist lmao

2020-11-15 09:08:22 UTC  

Well cristianity are seperate brances but the holy book got reformed

2020-11-15 09:08:44 UTC  

Not sure if catholics follow the new or old bible but i know protestants follow the new one

2020-11-15 09:09:20 UTC  

Well racist as a term has no power anymore ask 10 people to define it and you will have 10 explanations

2020-11-15 09:09:37 UTC  

So call me what you want i dont care xD

2020-11-15 09:09:56 UTC  

> Well cristianity are seperate brances but the holy book got reformed
@alex5428alex i know that both catholic and protestant got its root from Christianity, but my knowledge of the religion is shallow at best lmao

2020-11-15 09:10:59 UTC  

> Well racist as a term has no power anymore ask 10 people to define it and you will have 10 explanations
@alex5428alex that's fair. but it's still a valid point of attack for many. (that's why "racist" Donald Trump as a concept makes people easier to convince of his evilness even when we provided evidences against it

2020-11-15 09:12:09 UTC  

Well white people have one big weakness which is the racist card in any debate pull it out and win by default i dont accept the card so it has no power

2020-11-15 09:12:44 UTC  

“Racist! Sexist! Homophobic! Islamophobic!”

2020-11-15 09:12:56 UTC  

So what

2020-11-15 09:13:28 UTC  

> Well white people have one big weakness which is the racist card in any debate pull it out and win by default i dont accept the card so it has no power
@alex5428alex hahaha. i've had white people accused me of that and black people accused me of that and other asians accused me of that. i don't care -- but, i think it's something difference in the "right" and the "left". people who are tired of these tags versus people who think it still hold weight.

2020-11-15 09:13:58 UTC  

Its inflated

2020-11-15 09:14:21 UTC  

Even if it is correctly used then so what? Does it invalidate my argument?

2020-11-15 09:14:32 UTC  

People shouldn’t be treated by tags or other stupid things, but by their merits and contribution to society.

2020-11-15 09:14:55 UTC  

> Even if it is correctly used then so what? Does it invalidate my argument?
@alex5428alex In CinemaSins's voice: *That's racist*

2020-11-15 09:15:28 UTC  

> People shouldn’t be treated by tags or other stupid things, but by their merits and contribution to society.
@LuckyPuffy for sure. but now it's all about saying the correct things and falling in line with the media

2020-11-15 09:15:41 UTC  

Just because one is white, that does not make the person racist or a slave owner. Just because one is black, that does not make them part of the ghetto culture. Just because one is Slav, that does not make them gopniks.

2020-11-15 09:16:17 UTC  

Just because one is racist does not mean his arguments are in valid

2020-11-15 09:17:01 UTC  

Racist litteraly means you believe 1 race to be supperior well different races are supperior in different ways

2020-11-15 09:17:02 UTC  

> But if youre blue youre a smurf. Stupid smurfs
@jerpeau i'm offended on behalf of the blue smurf

2020-11-15 09:17:31 UTC  

The only racism I have is my hatred towards the Hungarians and the Romani.