Message from @chaz

Discord ID: 774819792896131123

2020-11-08 02:01:23 UTC  

If anything, Human Ingenuity is and forever will be more dangerous then any firearm

2020-11-08 02:01:26 UTC  

or bomb

2020-11-08 02:02:10 UTC  

Yeah, human nature is the real problem. If you ban firearms, people will use metal bats and knives, until they use their own flesh and bones to kill people.

2020-11-08 02:03:07 UTC  

"Breaking News: President Kamala Harris bans all Americans from using their arms since they may be used for violent means"

2020-11-08 02:03:19 UTC  


2020-11-08 02:04:55 UTC  


2020-11-08 02:07:21 UTC  

*fun fact, there are 2 household cleaners that are the most common in the world sitting under peoples sinks rn that if combined, can create one of the deadliest weapons in the world*

2020-11-08 02:07:33 UTC  

i know

2020-11-08 02:08:15 UTC  

it was used to great extent in ww1, killing soldiers in their trenches quietly, except for the sounds of them hacking up their lungs

2020-11-08 02:08:33 UTC  

*and it wouldnt be hard for someone who wants to cause mayhem to have several gas bombs made and plant them in certain points in a city out if sight before activating them*

2020-11-08 02:09:20 UTC  

*me whos planning on mixing them in glass beer bottles and using them like molotovs if necessary*

2020-11-08 02:10:01 UTC  

hell even a small cluster could basically wipe out a large section of New York city

2020-11-08 02:12:16 UTC  

youd trap people inside multiple-story buildings and if it gets into the ventilation system, well not so good for the people on the upper floors

2020-11-08 02:13:51 UTC  

and just like that, we're all on a watchlist

2020-11-08 02:14:07 UTC  

and id say its something that is far worse than any nuclear bomb, because the blast is silent, the clouds are sometimes not visible to the naked eye, and itll stain pourus surfaces like concrete so itll stay for an even longer period of time

2020-11-08 02:14:13 UTC  

sulferic acid, make you lungs flacid

2020-11-08 02:16:41 UTC  

ammonia and bleach, forgot what that makes, but sucks to breathe

2020-11-08 02:16:53 UTC  

mix vinegar and Bleach however, you get chlorine gas

2020-11-08 02:17:06 UTC  

wait, ammonia and bleach makes mustard gas

2020-11-08 02:17:09 UTC  

i think

2020-11-08 02:17:14 UTC  

cholrine, one of the first three big chemical weaopns, mustard, cholrine, and sulferic

2020-11-08 02:17:57 UTC  

I thought it was Phosgene gas that was the last one, not sulfuric

2020-11-08 02:18:16 UTC  

it kills you by suffocating you over several days, leaving you to drown in your own fluids

2020-11-08 02:18:41 UTC  

sulferic acid is the og chem gas, it was actually used in the judean revolt (roughly 150 BCE)

2020-11-08 02:18:46 UTC  

roman and chem warfare

2020-11-08 02:19:50 UTC  

welp, learn something new every day i guess

2020-11-08 02:20:38 UTC  

the most sophisticated form of chemical/biological warfare id heard of from the time was flinging corpses at the enemy or poisoning wells

2020-11-08 02:21:17 UTC  

yeah kaffa much

2020-11-08 02:22:43 UTC  

despite the gas and machine guns and rifles, Artillery was the biggest killer in ww1, blasting soldiers apart, crushing them with debris from falling buildings, and burying them alive in artillery shelters

2020-11-08 02:23:08 UTC  

and this isn't even discussing the number of specialized artillery shell variants

2020-11-08 02:23:42 UTC  

one example of which are Lachrymal shells, which contained essentially tear gas

2020-11-08 03:03:16 UTC  

crack of the lighting splitting the ground, thunder is sounding artillery pounding

2020-11-08 03:05:07 UTC  

Wrath of the Nazis cast on Bastogne
Facing their forces alone!

2020-11-08 03:06:15 UTC  


2020-11-08 03:06:39 UTC  

what song are we on

2020-11-08 03:06:51 UTC  

oh I messed that up

2020-11-08 03:06:53 UTC  


2020-11-08 03:06:55 UTC  


2020-11-08 03:07:04 UTC  

why did my brain go there?

2020-11-08 03:07:26 UTC  

i dunno

2020-11-08 03:09:17 UTC  

and that's when the dead men were marching again . . .