Message from @SpaceDandyJoestarGG

Discord ID: 783140633371082762

2020-11-29 15:19:27 UTC  

The four sitting presidents that were shot and killed, shot by people who hated their political views. Democratic parties, shot them because of their views on how they should run America. People hated Donald Trump, made up rumors about him, even the government hated him because he didn't stand by the rules. So if he was shot and killed, people would celebrate it. JFK, and the others were shot and killed while people celebrated it. Everyone just going with wanting to harm the previous president. Joe biden, even though you're definitely a racist and a sex offender, I want to see you run America without dropping out.

2020-11-29 15:20:15 UTC  

Fuck my grammar

2020-11-29 16:18:10 UTC

2020-11-29 16:18:12 UTC  

This is Wernher von Braun, one of the most controversial figures in recent history. I’m sure if he was alive today, he would be the most hated person on Twitter. He was one of the head scientists in Nazi Germany during WWII, and is responsible for the deaths of thousands with his invention of the first missile: the V-2. After the war, the U.S. government did something that most people today, if they were in the position of power, would do the opposite: The government gave him a second chance at life. And you know what he did? He moved to America with a presidential pardon from Truman. He started a new life and went on the be the chief engineer at NASA, and built the first of the Atlas, Titan, and Delta rockets. He also was the primary designer of the Saturn 1, Saturn 1B, and the Saturn V. Because the government gave him a second chance, he became one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, who went on to build the rocket who brought us to the moon. No matter how bad someone’s background, always give them a second chance.

2020-11-29 16:53:58 UTC  

To be fair the V-2 rockets only killed about 2 to 3 people on average

2020-11-29 17:36:30 UTC  

holy shit......there are so many parallels to Democrat run cities it blows my fucking mind to pieces

2020-11-29 17:41:24 UTC  

Yes, but the invention of the missile by him lead to the deaths of thousands when some took his design and expanded upon it.

2020-11-29 19:09:05 UTC  

@SpiffyFlyingPig yeah I agree he got redemption or some sort he did good and got a second chance that's what our legal system does too

2020-11-29 19:10:01 UTC  

Also JFK one of the only presidents to go against the CIA and other secret societies got killed for it

2020-11-30 03:45:50 UTC  


2020-11-30 04:28:20 UTC  

M-29 Davy Crockett NTRR was a joke

2020-11-30 04:28:26 UTC  

A sick one at that

2020-11-30 04:29:10 UTC  

How TF did you expect to run away from a nuke that basically had a larger radius than your weapon could launch it!?

2020-11-30 12:55:10 UTC  

Well, my guess is that you were expected to have a ridge to hide behind so that the inconing blast and shockwave didnt kill you, and youd be wearing some sort of radioactivity protection

2020-12-01 01:19:40 UTC  

Germans dress hella weird lol looking like hansel lol

2020-12-01 01:20:50 UTC  


2020-12-01 01:21:02 UTC  


2020-12-01 01:21:17 UTC  

There mister steal your girl lol

2020-12-01 01:21:20 UTC  

With them socks

2020-12-01 01:22:00 UTC  

And look at me thinking tube socks were only fashionable in the 80s

2020-12-01 01:22:46 UTC  

Hitler did it before it was cool lol

2020-12-01 01:25:26 UTC  

You know what is cool seeing old historical photos in color

2020-12-01 01:25:54 UTC  

Color is very important and we should treasure our ability to see color

2020-12-01 05:32:19 UTC  

What do y'all think about the men who fought in Vietnam war heros, Scum, or just men?

2020-12-01 05:32:46 UTC  

Just men

2020-12-01 05:32:49 UTC  

some heros

2020-12-01 05:32:51 UTC  

some not

2020-12-01 05:33:19 UTC  

but all of them risked their lives fighting under that US Flag

2020-12-01 05:33:46 UTC  

Yeah and I can respect that but we never should have entered in the war

2020-12-01 05:34:01 UTC  

But they were drafted regardless

2020-12-01 05:34:23 UTC  

I meant a Vietnam vet and he was drafted when he was 16/17

2020-12-01 05:35:03 UTC  

They locked the doors from the draft zones and the bus windows were blocked

2020-12-01 05:35:48 UTC  

When it comes to conflicts like Vietnam, you either don't get involved to begin with, or if you do, you have the decency to finish what you started

2020-12-01 05:36:29 UTC  

Yep when the US went in they should have stayed until they finished

2020-12-01 05:37:06 UTC  

I dont like saying we or we went in because I'm just 19 and had no involvement

2020-12-01 05:37:23 UTC  

Men of men. It's despicable that citizens booed and spat at them as they returned from deployment. Do that to the politicians, not our soldiers

2020-12-01 05:37:31 UTC  

I me we as in the US but still don't like it

2020-12-01 05:38:20 UTC  

@mightytrump I agree with that it's fucked what Americans did to the boys returing home and funny enough it was mostly liberal men and hippies doing that