Message from @HUNTER4639
Discord ID: 724125002504601633
Might add a lazer to it later
A new one not that shit on the side
This gives me nightmares
@thebestguy25 HERESY!
Mind if I post muh AR-15?
I really can't wait to get an AR-15 one day
I've shot a Ruger Mini-14 but never an AR-15
Iām waiting till I move to a more gun friendly state to get my first
Living in California as a conservative is actually hell
> Living in California as a conservative is actually hell
Oh, haven't noticed... š
Lol, it actually sucks
Thank god I live in a conservative area
But ballot harvesting made it liberal
Sacramento the piss pot of Liberals
Nah, Sacramento is a puppet state ran by San Fran and LA
Gotta love it
Legit, Orange County is the primer example of ballot harvesting
so im thinking of getting a gun, I want to start with a .22 bolt action rifle, BUT after that and I know gun saftey, I want a fun thing to shoot, like a plinker, a lever action looks really fun but, are they really expensive usually?
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] Really really depends on the specific gun for lever actions, as with a majority of guns. It's all about brand name and what said brand thinks they can get
For example, .45 Long Colt lever actions I've seen have up to a ~1200 price difference
ah okay! would you say perhaps Cabela's is a good starting place?
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] what state do you live in if you don't mind me asking
uh hmm, well i'd rather not say the specific, but its a conservative state, so nothing like cali or new york
Midwest ish?
ok so relatively laxed gun laws