Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive

Discord ID: 779160415644811286

2020-11-20 00:36:27 UTC  

Alright, I got a question for your guys. Based on this:

"The bill [HB 961] makes it a Class 6 felony to import, sell, transfer, manufacture, purchase, or transport a large-capacity firearm magazine, as defined in the bill, and a Class 1 misdemeanor to possess such large-capacity firearm magazine."

VA defines "large-cap" mags as more than 12 rounds. It leaves provisions that allow someone to "possess" said contraband until Jan 1 of next year, but my question for ya'll is that if I have a rifle with a detachable mag, say an AR-15, would it be a crime to take it to a gun range since that would technically be "transporting" an assault-weapon?

2020-11-20 00:36:38 UTC  

with the high cap mags I should say

2020-11-20 00:36:49 UTC  

obv. a ten round mag is probably fine..?

2020-11-20 00:37:02 UTC  

You had rallies in VA about that that were in the news for being alt right and endangering people because it's an open carry state from what I remember. They also preemptively called in the national guard if I remember right.

2020-11-20 00:37:32 UTC  

yes we had rallies in january I think

2020-11-20 00:38:00 UTC  

didn't do shit but make Northam piss his pants, so he created a new law banning guns on the state capitol

2020-11-20 00:38:17 UTC  

I *hate* when the government constantly tries to take our rights

2020-11-20 00:39:30 UTC  

fr. but Im not even mad that they are stealing my rights though. I do, however, feel kinda agitated that they would not make it easier for me to find out about these new laws they are making.

2020-11-20 00:39:33 UTC  

If the law doesn't take effect till January 1st you'd probably be fine taking it to a range, but I imagine you can call the range and ask because I'm sure other people have the same question.

2020-11-20 00:40:32 UTC  

well it says its fine possess such items untill then. I am worried that I may get in trouble if I actually take high cap mags.

2020-11-20 00:40:49 UTC  


2020-11-20 00:40:58 UTC  

I'll keep looking into it. :\

2020-11-20 01:30:10 UTC  

Correct me if I'm wrong but, Joe Biden wants to:
Defund the police
Take away our guns
Let criminals out of jail
Let ms13 come across the border
And he is pro america?

2020-11-20 01:30:48 UTC  

Take my guns from my cold dead hands 💀

2020-11-20 01:34:12 UTC  

Who's gonna take the guns if there is no police

2020-11-20 01:35:52 UTC  

Sounds like the Democrats, yeah... it's 'cause "everyone is entitled to whatever they want... except conservatives" 🙄

The sad thing is that people actually believe that.

2020-11-20 01:36:45 UTC  

As far as who will confiscate the guns: the FBI, ATF, maybe they'll destroy yet another constitutional protection and use the military.

2020-11-20 01:38:20 UTC  

I dont think the military would be able to get military members to do it, maybe the corrupt FBI would

2020-11-20 01:39:46 UTC  

Well, having known people in each of those, I think you'll have a lot of the good ones refuse, and some states may declare sovereignty and mobilize the National Guard against the feds in response.

Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

2020-11-20 01:41:53 UTC  

Texas has always been itching for a reason to leave. Maybe they'll be the 2nd Civil War's South Carolina.

2020-11-20 01:45:19 UTC  

wouldn't bet on it, Texas isn't what it once was. :/

2020-11-20 01:46:03 UTC  

Maybe some parts of it, but forget Houston and Austin.

2020-11-20 01:46:45 UTC  

There is no federal government if there are no states

2020-11-20 01:47:42 UTC  

Maybe if we start regulating the media they will understand what the bill of rights is

2020-11-20 01:47:44 UTC  

Wish it was

2020-11-20 02:07:55 UTC  

All y'all Texans used to be proud of your state. But y'all let in too many Californians.

2020-11-20 02:08:27 UTC  

Wall around california

2020-11-20 02:45:11 UTC  

Repeal the NFA act

2020-11-20 02:46:35 UTC

2020-11-20 03:20:51 UTC  

I saw a thing that said he used his stimulus check to buy the rifle he used that night. Most American thing anyone had done all year imo. <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-20 04:05:40 UTC  


2020-11-20 04:11:06 UTC  

Probably not, 17 year olds didn’t get them

2020-11-20 04:16:27 UTC  

It wasn't his rifle it was a friend's that lived in that state

2020-11-20 04:17:54 UTC

2020-11-20 04:37:13 UTC  

really? I think my dad was saying they might have in some circumstances if they were previously employeed. ofc, he was just guessing.

2020-11-20 04:37:41 UTC  

ahh gotcha f***urfeelings

2020-11-20 05:19:30 UTC  

No one

WWII Germans: let's have most of our guns take the same ammunition
Because that won't end badly for us.

2020-11-20 05:20:32 UTC  


2020-11-20 05:20:36 UTC  

Seems to make sense to me

2020-11-20 05:28:40 UTC  

Americans did the same thing

2020-11-20 05:29:10 UTC  

Most everything was .45, 30-06 or 50BMG