Message from @Anti Simp Officer
Discord ID: 782998472428617798
pretty nice little fun
"Perfect for executing political prisoners"
-Brandon Hererra
Should a Gun company make this:
Libtard Destroyer 2000 - Effective against Antifa, now less loud than a jackhammer
11.43×23mm E mod subsonic - Colt Sig Edition
lasers hurt people eyes
illegal in 49 states, Ian McCollum only known to own one legally
Can i be the second to own one legally
The Rittenhouse - .300 Blackout with FMJ
Targets automatically Pedos
@TheChicken789 Maybe, if you live in Texas
Sadly im in Arizona
Barron Trump's Libtard Destroyer 3000, Armalite Rifle Edition
24K plates, Every time it fires, it makes it sound like donald trump yelling "Wall"
I love this chat
guys what do u think about the trump administration ban on bump stocks?
is this gun semi-auto or auto?
semi auto
but auto with bump stocks
I just think it sets a dumb precedent. The way my dad explains it, bumpstocks were just meant to skirt around the law and thus the banning was logical/justified. Personally, I agree that they were just to get around the law, but also think that machine guns should be legal. just my 2c tho, and im just 18 so I am open to change my mind if someone can present a valid argument against automatics.
Semi autos are just as effective/ineffective as a full auto
I think so.
All they did was make president that the ATF can change the rules when they want and don't need congress which is scarey to me
Don't forget this is the same group that says a ar15 lower is a firearm but in court its been proven the lower doesn't have all the requirements to be a firearm by the atf own rules
@Kaladin bruh, nice, but the handguard kind looks funny
@Anti Simp Officer what about the handguard? I’m not sure what you’re saying lol. Also not offended or anything just curious exactly what you think looks funny 
Oh dope cool
kinda too long
for .223
Ah I see
Yeah is a bit long
At least my stock is adjustable
This is what I prefer, with symmetry of the handguard and at least some exposed barrel
Yeah I see the difference
but nice gun still
What mag is that?