Message from @Zallis The Pokemon

Discord ID: 774107242999316490

2020-11-05 22:34:11 UTC  

I still worship this

2020-11-05 23:22:19 UTC  

And Allah (SWT) will not punish them, while they seek forgiveness | Al-Anfaal 33.

2020-11-06 02:33:09 UTC

2020-11-06 02:40:20 UTC  

Ok so when I was younger I went to CCD (not sure if it’s called that anywhere else, but it’s an after school thing to learn about god, Jesus, the Bible, etc) and I never really cared, I went between the ages of like 6-12 and never really cared and felt it was a chore to go to. My mother forced me to go despite my not wanting to which really turned me off. So I then became “officially” atheist and have been so for years now. But the past year I have just lost a lot of hope, and don’t know where else to turn. I’m done being depressed, I’m done feeling hopeless, I just need some hope. I want to believe, but I honestly know nothing about any religion and don’t know how to even pick what to follow... all of them have seem to have been corrupted by politics, is there any good one left? Are there any that are true to their values, and have good values?

2020-11-06 02:47:41 UTC short for me God and Jesus are the best out there. It is easier to depend on Him. After all...He is the one that gives me hope and life no matter what happens in the world.

2020-11-06 02:51:30 UTC  

Mind if I share a verse?

2020-11-06 02:58:43 UTC  

@ray liotta private select may i suggest reading the bible from the New Testament

2020-11-06 03:00:21 UTC  

@ray liotta private select I would say Christianity for sure. Most important of all read the bible. Especially, if you are just starting out, and have liitle to no clue of what Christianity is about. The best way to start is from the roots. Build your faith and find something to believe in by studying the word of God.
The most important thing you can do is read a Bible, and specifically a *good* Bible. There are many different translations out there. I highly suggest KJV ( kings James version ) it's one of the most accurate english translations, not perfect mind you. But, it is popular, and regularly used. It is important that you start out in your own language first, and then you can move on and learn the Hebrew origins of the bible. Learn the Parsha, it is Hebrew word for portion, and refers to a portion of the bible to be read/ studied. You can google "this weeks parsha" very easily and create a weekly regiment for your Bible studies.
**Don't start at the New testament** It is crucial that you understand why Jesus was prophesied to be the Messiah. Start at the beginning; Genesis.

2020-11-06 03:01:52 UTC  

> @ray liotta private select I would say Christianity for sure. Most important of all read the bible. Especially, if you are just starting out, and have liitle to no clue of what Christianity is about. The best way to start is from the roots. Build your faith and find something to believe in by studying the word of God.
> The most important thing you can do is read a Bible, and specifically a *good* Bible. There are many different translations out there. I highly suggest KJV ( kings James version ) it's one of the most accurate english translations, not perfect mind you. But, it is popular, and regularly used. It is important that you start out in your own language first, and then you can move on and learn the Hebrew origins of the bible. Learn the Parsha, it is Hebrew word for portion, and refers to a portion of the bible to be read/ studied. You can google "this weeks parsha" very easily and create a weekly regiment for your Bible studies.
> **Don't start at the New testament** It is crucial that you understand why Jesus was prophesied to be the Messiah. Start at the beginning; Genesis.

2020-11-06 03:02:04 UTC  

Ik this isn't part of the conversation but I have been thinking about these 2 verses in Roman's

2020-11-06 03:02:15 UTC  

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
Romans 13:1‭-‬2 NKJV

2020-11-06 03:03:39 UTC  

Now it doesn't mean follow blindly of course

2020-11-06 03:04:21 UTC  

If the country is putting laws that are against his word we have the right to go against them

2020-11-06 03:04:43 UTC  

God has the world in the palm of his hands

2020-11-06 03:04:49 UTC  

God bless you all and good night

2020-11-06 03:04:55 UTC  

Yeah follow basic law and civil

2020-11-06 03:04:55 UTC  

As shown in the old testament story with the three men and the burning furnace

2020-11-06 03:05:11 UTC  

Forgot their names :(

2020-11-06 03:05:29 UTC  

I watched Veggietales i remember their names!

2020-11-06 03:05:42 UTC  

Shadrak , meshak and abindago

2020-11-06 03:05:48 UTC  

Yee them

2020-11-06 03:05:53 UTC  

Sorry i know i misspelled them

2020-11-06 03:05:58 UTC  

And the giant chocolate bunny

2020-11-06 03:06:06 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:06:17 UTC  

> I watched Veggietales i remember their names!

2020-11-06 03:06:56 UTC  

You spell them like this I believe; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

2020-11-06 03:07:35 UTC  

Friends of Daniel

2020-11-06 03:07:51 UTC  

or as called in Veggie tales; Rack, Shack, and Benny

2020-11-06 03:08:00 UTC  


2020-11-06 03:09:04 UTC  

I watch a lot of things about trump

2020-11-06 03:09:30 UTC  

And how he was the only recent president to treat Israel with the respect they deserve

2020-11-06 03:10:04 UTC  

Huge move to move the embassy to Jerusalem

2020-11-06 03:10:29 UTC  

And they have coins over there in Israel of trump with his face in front of the temple

2020-11-06 03:10:47 UTC  

Since it is on Topic, this is a good watch;

2020-11-06 03:12:36 UTC  

It is an amazing feat that, Trump moved the Embassy to Israel. A lot of other politicians made false promises about it. but Trump actually kept his word. Surprisingly, that is the shocking thing, that rocks the political world to it's core! Trump truly isn't your typical politician.

2020-11-06 03:13:57 UTC  

I've watched prophecy videos about Trump too one imperticular by Kim Clement. He had prophesied trump to get 2 terms. And that there would be an impeachment. Way back in 2015, and im very skeptical when it comes to that stuff but I trust the source which I got the info from.

2020-11-06 03:14:40 UTC  

And idk why people don't think so but God does pick sides

2020-11-06 03:15:23 UTC  

If u scroll up i posted a prophecy video bout this election not if its true but..

2020-11-06 03:15:54 UTC  

The guy said it will go to supreme court and trump will win

2020-11-06 03:17:14 UTC  

And counting the ballot will take a longer time than previous election

2020-11-06 03:17:50 UTC  
