Message from @Bro

Discord ID: 774352737713520681

2020-11-06 17:36:47 UTC  


2020-11-06 17:37:17 UTC  
2020-11-06 17:40:03 UTC  


2020-11-06 17:40:30 UTC  
2020-11-06 17:40:37 UTC  

the bible

2020-11-06 17:40:43 UTC  


2020-11-06 17:42:56 UTC  

its a great book, highly recommend

2020-11-06 17:52:21 UTC  

What problems?

2020-11-06 17:56:41 UTC  

Yeah, which problems?

2020-11-06 17:56:49 UTC  
2020-11-06 18:04:14 UTC  


2020-11-06 18:05:08 UTC  

That is beautiful sir!

2020-11-06 18:05:10 UTC  


2020-11-06 18:45:55 UTC  

> What rules was he not following?
Im saying he doesn't need to worry if he is following the rules. Which he was following, so he wont get banned

2020-11-06 19:02:49 UTC  

@DrStrange77 Just ignore "Thy Doctor"--he's an atheist as he revealed earlier on here. There are absolutely 100% NO glaring problems with the Bible. It's that his life contradicts what the Bible says and he therefore rejects it.

2020-11-06 19:04:15 UTC  

Ah ok. Thank you for letting me know.

2020-11-06 19:06:41 UTC  

Yep, he's just got a beef against God, as basically every atheist I've ever met. Sad to say, my mother is one of them. Amazing how they can be so mad about Someone they say they don't believe is real!! I don't believe in Allah, but I don't get mad every time a Muslim talks about their false god. The anger of the atheist belies that deep down they know God is real, they just refuse to admit it.

2020-11-06 19:14:22 UTC  


2020-11-06 19:14:42 UTC  

God loves everyone and he would want you to show non believers the light change my mind

2020-11-06 19:19:36 UTC  

Jesus is pretty lit ngl

2020-11-06 19:21:19 UTC  

Matthew 20:16-20

2020-11-06 19:22:38 UTC  

@DrStrange77 I don't suppose you'd be one to doubt the Bible, since I suppose you're a believer, but if you know anything about it, do recall that it is Satan's M.O. from the beginning to cast doubt on God's word. The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Therefore we ought approach the Bible with faith (Heb. 4:2). It is afterward that we really see the reasonableness, veracity, the 100% accuracy and reliability of the Bible. Atheists refuse the first, faith, therefore they remain in the dark, and fuss about 'contradictions' which more show their lack of understanding. They don't have a heart to understand. But, there is NO NEED WHATSOEVER to doubt the Bible, the correctly translated one, that is (more specifically the King James Bible).

2020-11-06 19:30:23 UTC  

Exactly. Also, that is the same bible translation that my church uses.

2020-11-06 19:37:58 UTC  

Good, stick with it to your dying day! God has used and blessed it over four hundred years like no translation ever. There has been several widespread revivals and a long standing, incredibly fruitful missions movement (modern missions) generated under its influence that no other version has ever instigated. Really, since these modern versions have come out, there is less and less revival and heart for God and more and more carnality and worldliness. It is a ploy of Satan to get people confused, saying 'which one is the real word of God' so they then remain unbalanced spiritually and do not really get anywhere in their walk with the Lord.

2020-11-06 19:43:38 UTC  

I agree. Satan tries to confuse us and make it easier to give up searching for truth. I don't know how open-minded you are, but I recommend reading the Book of Mormon. You can read it for free on your phone, and see if it correlates with your views and the Bible. My family discovered it and it is a powerful book, and has strengthened our relationship.

2020-11-06 19:54:17 UTC  

Nope, now I see you are a Mormon, therefore. Sorry, I know the Bible much better than to go do that. No offense to you, mind you. But, please, let me say this since I hope it will help you come to the truth about it. The Apostle Paul about 1,800 years prior to Mormonism warned about something that Mormonism flagrantly and egregiously defies. Please read and apply the understanding of this to Mormonism: Gal. 1:8-9, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." Strong words! But yet that is exactly what Joseph Smith claimed to have happened to him, that an angel appeared to him to give him revelation which ends up going against the Biblical Gospel. Those verses lay bare Mormonism as unbiblical, and therefore something unacceptable. As a Bible believing Christian I therefore cannot accept the Book of Mormon. And, if you view the Bible as the word of God, you should not view even by just his principle that the Book of Mormon is of God. God didn't forget what He said through Paul and somehow reveal something new and different (and contradictory to the Bible) to Joseph Smith 1,800 years later.

2020-11-06 20:05:57 UTC  

@DannyNC1 he had you in the first half, lol

2020-11-06 20:29:38 UTC  

@DannyNC1 I am sorry you feel this way. However, I feel that you would be better fit with an argument after reading. After that, then tell me how you feel. And if you don't agree with the writings, then at least you are a little bit more informed on our religion. It is an interesting book, and is about the people of the Americas. Yet again, if you don't like it, you don't like it.

2020-11-06 21:14:50 UTC  

> @DannyNC1 I am sorry you feel this way. However, I feel that you would be better fit with an argument after reading. After that, then tell me how you feel. And if you don't agree with the writings, then at least you are a little bit more informed on our religion. It is an interesting book, and is about the people of the Americas. Yet again, if you don't like it, you don't like it.
The bible is all we need no other religious book is needed to support Christianity

2020-11-06 21:16:55 UTC  

it is always good to get informed about other religious

2020-11-06 21:24:48 UTC  

> it is always good to get informed about other religious
@DeButcher I honestly agree. The bible is completely supportive of Christianity. But the Book of Mormon isn't needed to support Christianity, but it supports Mormonism's view on Christianity. To us, it is needed. But even if you aren't trying to convert, it is interesting to see views that millions have on Christianity in the americas.

2020-11-06 22:16:22 UTC  

> What about those crazy televangelist types.
@ThyDoctor They are hypocrites and false teachers.
They don’t speak the true word of God. They take single quotes out of context to make it say what they want.
They are not truly saved and will be judged by God when the time comes

2020-11-06 22:49:41 UTC  

There is only one God

2020-11-06 23:01:24 UTC  

If you don't believe in God, just leave it.

2020-11-06 23:08:24 UTC  

I hope you have a good day ThyDoctor. I'm going to start praying for you.

2020-11-06 23:15:06 UTC  

I think Christians should look at the policies of the candidates and the fact that Trump is pro life is a pretty good reason to vote for him

2020-11-06 23:15:47 UTC  

I am a Christian and voted for Trump...

2020-11-06 23:20:01 UTC  

What list?

2020-11-06 23:21:32 UTC  

....those are your only reasons?

2020-11-06 23:22:10 UTC  

God is for more than one chance. A thing called forgiveness and no one being perfect

2020-11-06 23:23:57 UTC  

There are a lot of things that trump does and says that Christians don’t agree with same with Biden.