Message from @mo-me119

Discord ID: 780092786329780234

2020-11-22 09:17:47 UTC  

I love that

2020-11-22 09:17:56 UTC  

Yes I agree

2020-11-22 09:19:13 UTC  

Faith gives you works. And it’s that. you’re led into working for the Kingdom of God. You don’t give yourself the stage , you are placed there

2020-11-22 09:19:46 UTC  

So faith alone can save

2020-11-22 09:20:22 UTC  

An example of Faith alone can save is the thief on the cross

2020-11-22 09:21:35 UTC  

Btw its getting late I'm going to go to sleep

2020-11-22 09:21:49 UTC  

Have a good one.

2020-11-22 10:45:11 UTC  

I kind of love that this is here. Huh. (Sorry, new and just poking around, at the moment.)

2020-11-22 10:47:42 UTC  

My favorite Latin phrase, from the Lutheran reformation, still holds true. sola gratia, sola fide, sola Christus, sola scriptura

2020-11-22 10:47:53 UTC  

Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone, Scripture alone

2020-11-22 10:52:28 UTC  

And the passage “Faith without acts is dead,” is taken wrong so much, I feel. More people need to know that the phrase means that a Faith that produces no actions is meaningless. Having faith will lead you to want to do good works, to show you’re a person of faith. Just believing without doing though, shows dead faith

2020-11-22 12:02:02 UTC  

I agree. Simply having faith is not the saving grace. The passage in James 2 also says (paraphrased) show me your faith without works and I wil show thee my faith by my works. Faith is merely a stepping off point on the path to heaven, without faith we would have no reason to participate in any of the saving works, we need to live our lives in accordance with our faith through our works.

2020-11-22 12:56:43 UTC  

Eph. 2:8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast." Titus 3:5, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;"

2020-11-22 12:59:31 UTC  

As I stated above, neither one will work without the other. Faith without works is dead, however we cannot simply work our way to Heaven. Man is fallen and it is by grace that you are saved, after all that you can do.

2020-11-22 13:04:02 UTC  

Of course, this has been the subject of quite a bit of debate. If it weren't, we wouldn't have multiple Christian denominations.

2020-11-22 15:24:31 UTC  

But when it means faith is dead I agree with thafes crew that it just means its meaningless. Why else would Paul say all who call upon the name if the Lord shall be saved. He knew that it was only by grace and grace alone, none of his good works could have ever gotten him to heaven. The greatest things a Christian can have are faith hope and love.

2020-11-22 15:24:52 UTC  

Has anyone here grown up with Christian parents that didn't go to church or teach you about the bible at home? I did and was lost and was at one point an atheist. I am a relatively new Christian with a lot to learn yet, but wondering if anyone else had a similar experience and what changed for you.

2020-11-22 15:25:36 UTC  

I had always gone to church, until recently

2020-11-22 15:26:03 UTC  

Haven't found one small enough nearby

2020-11-22 15:26:48 UTC  

I preferred smaller ones cause you can have a closer connection with everyone in the church

2020-11-22 15:30:13 UTC  

I am interested in finding a church near me once I don't have to wear a mask in anymore. I've been watching service's online since March. I started going to church at a bigger church that had several campuses but want to go elsewhere now

2020-11-22 15:31:21 UTC  

Hmm idk I suggest to pray and look for a church that matches what you believe God wants you to go to.

2020-11-22 15:32:04 UTC  

Make sure to cross reference the pastor and be sure he's telling the truth

2020-11-22 15:32:30 UTC  

If he doesn't give bible verses to follow along he ain't the best

2020-11-22 15:32:45 UTC  

Thats my opinion

2020-11-22 15:35:51 UTC  

The church I started at had a change in leadership in March right before the pandemic. Although the new pastor has mostly good messages, It doesn't feel like the right place anymore. And they seemed to have caved to BLM which makes me question it. Thank you for sharing

2020-11-22 15:38:43 UTC  

Mhm and yes one thing that I feel churches shouldn't do is get politically involved unless it directly controdics the bible

2020-11-22 15:40:04 UTC  

You have to see what an organization is before you go and support something like blm

2020-11-22 17:12:17 UTC  

Yeah I agree, the leader at our church liked Obama in his first term until he saw him approve of abortion and gay marriage. The church should only get involved in politics if it goes against the Bible.

2020-11-22 17:50:33 UTC  

Yeah if the church has a website go to their about us section and read what they believe in. Saves you alot of time

2020-11-22 18:01:51 UTC  

Thats good advise for modern day churches @DeButcher

2020-11-22 18:02:50 UTC  

My church do not wear mask which i like

2020-11-22 18:29:17 UTC  

Do you guys think charity is more Christian than taxes for the poor

2020-11-22 18:31:08 UTC  

Yes, enforced morality isn’t true morality. Not to mention that money goes more so to line pockets than to help the poor

2020-11-22 18:43:49 UTC  

Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Psalms 82:3 NKJV

2020-11-22 19:48:57 UTC  

@Thunderstr1ke i think taxing people for the poor had good intentions, but in the hands of the government very little goes well

2020-11-22 19:49:11 UTC  

I think this quote perfects how to take care of the poor, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

2020-11-22 19:51:31 UTC  

@Thunderstr1ke yes, I agree. What about the people who have the skills and choose not to use them?

2020-11-22 19:51:57 UTC  

Encourage them, help them get out there and do something!

2020-11-22 19:56:27 UTC  

I have a cousin who is in a deep depression and drinks heavily in his parents basement and has been disrespectful to them all his life. He isn't religious that I know of but according to my mom expressed some interest in church. As someone who is newer to Christianity and does not know the bible very well, I don't know how to help him.