Message from @mo-me119

Discord ID: 780910312634318858

2020-11-24 20:07:11 UTC  

Good for you!

2020-11-24 20:07:16 UTC  

like this is some 1984 stuff right here ngl

2020-11-24 20:07:38 UTC  

Right! Makes me want to go live in the middle of the woods away from society

2020-11-24 20:07:54 UTC  


2020-11-24 20:08:22 UTC  

maybe we could tyler to spread the word about this and like make it blow up

2020-11-24 20:08:44 UTC  

we could ben shapiro write about Judaism!

2020-11-24 20:10:25 UTC  

Yeah! People should know about it. I came out of public education pretty liberal. Thankfully I learned to think differently. Makes me want to homeschool my future children someday though

2020-11-24 20:10:43 UTC  

I was homeschooled for 6 years, highly recomend

2020-11-24 20:10:54 UTC  

but tbh HS is totally worth it

2020-11-24 20:14:15 UTC  

Definitely has pros and cons!

2020-11-24 20:14:38 UTC  


I mean, if God wanted it in the Bible it would be in the Bible.

2020-11-24 20:53:17 UTC  

I did public schools for many years but went to private christian school for High School. I'd love to do similar for future kids. Once I graduate in a few years I'll be able to get a good paying job but I want a large family so not sure I could afford to do private while also saving up for them to be able to do college/trade school. Education is the great equalizer so maybe I'll have to try and be able to live in a rural red area and hope the public school isn't too woke thou it may be hard to find a job in my field in a rural area.

2020-11-24 20:56:24 UTC  

I was homeschooled from 2nd grade up through my last year of highschool, but I went to a kind of co-op homeschool for highschool, where I went to a place with other homeschoolers.
So I'm a big supporter of homeschooling, you just need to make sure the kids are still making friends and having social interaction with other kids.

2020-11-24 21:02:06 UTC  

big facts

2020-11-24 21:02:35 UTC  

tulsa Oklahoma, not super rual, red as crap

2020-11-24 21:31:57 UTC  

I see. My parent's didn't pay for my college, and personally that isn't a future goal of mine. Especially if colleges are run like this in the future. My parents have helped me by letting me live at home and they bought my books once for me in the past too. They've helped me in many other ways than with tuition.

2020-11-24 21:34:24 UTC  

Not everybody can do it. My parents set aside money for my brother and I to go to college, or as I got scholarships for most of my school, a down payment for a house in the future. My brother had his entire undergrad paid for by scholarships but will use the funds to pay for part of his med school.

2020-11-24 21:34:26 UTC  

I agree, My boyfriend has reservations about homeschooling in the future because he doesnt want them to be socially awkward. But there are plenty of strange kids in public school so that isn't a good argument from him in my point of view.

2020-11-24 21:36:18 UTC  

As I only fairly recently found out, My family lived well below my father's incomes means just so that we could go to private school and have the money for doing college. My parents both have advanced degrees so education was important.

2020-11-24 21:38:47 UTC  

Okay, both my parents went to a trade school. My parents saved some money for me whoch I found out about last year. But I'm just letting it sit because I don't want to do something stupid with it

2020-11-24 21:40:09 UTC  

Colleges isn't for everybody, you can still have a great life with only a trade school. If you don't know what you want to do, it's better not to spend that money or put yourself in debt for indoctrination if there's not a goal.

2020-11-24 21:43:57 UTC  

I'm in nursing school now at a community college. I have student debt but still want to save that money maybe for a house someday or just for an emergency fund

2020-11-24 22:40:07 UTC  

That’s my main problem with Catholicism. Among others👀but yea

Same, I also don't agree with having a all-powerful pope.

2020-11-25 02:24:50 UTC  

Proof that God doesn't approve of homosexuality:
Leviticus 20:13
"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

New testament example of that too

Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
I Corinthians 6:7‭-‬11 NKJV

(This is paul writing)

Most important part is the end there

No matter the sin, if you come to God, and give your life to him you can be washed clean!

2020-11-25 03:21:41 UTC  

What are thoughts on Pope Francis's new book? I would like to know what everyone's thoughts are, especially any and all Catholics that frequent this server (fellow Catholic speaking).

2020-11-25 03:28:26 UTC  

.warn @Arkeal This channel is for all things surrounding faith and religion, not to debate.

2020-11-25 03:28:26 UTC  

2020-11-25 03:36:38 UTC  

Allah is so merciful that he hates anyone who disagrees with his radical beliefs

2020-11-25 03:37:24 UTC  

Just putting it how I see it, I’m sure there are many good Muslims in the world

2020-11-25 03:38:51 UTC  

What? You just started a debate by posting that Qu’ran text and making an argumentative claim

2020-11-25 03:38:58 UTC  

But I’ll withdraw

2020-11-25 03:47:37 UTC  

If I was Muslim, how do I kill them wherever I find them peacefully. I don’t understand.

2020-11-25 03:58:00 UTC  

.warn @Smash Boy We are not here to criticize other religions.

2020-11-25 03:58:00 UTC