Message from @Masto
Discord ID: 787843468076646430
You go too far
Okay, thank you! And yes, he should be respected but you can respect someone you don't like
He's a commie who deals with the Rothschild and WJC
Calling him a retard or other derogatory name just to insult is too far and doesn't help anything but those are just facts
No but I've gone about learning and almost converted
He is fallible under your dogma unless he declares ex cathedra
And the claims I made are apparent to the naked, even secular eye
Believe your own pope
There, go watch the video. Hear it from his mouth
You follow man not God
No, he is not important. The chair of Peter is important
He is not the Church he is a man who will die and can sin
Don't condone his sin
He is important in so far as he is a creation of God like the rest of us and tasked to uphold the chair of Peter
Your duty is more to that chair than to him
I'm currently an Orthodox in the middle of converting
Not a full Protestant, there were things I liked about the faith and I don't mean to come off as if I know better. But I do know some things and I have common sense. Making deals with Rothschilds and other people bent on destroying the West and promoting homosexual apologist agendas when LGBT is destroying the west is not going to bring people to Christ
Respect your own opinions
The chair of the sovereign is different than the sovereign
He is not Jesus
I did read
Again you do not understand the concept of the man being separate and subject to the chair
When he dies and there is no elected pope, does the seat of Peter dissapear?
The authority flows from the chair which he sits on, not from the man himself
Therefore he need respect the decisions that were made on it before him
This is the western idea of Kings and leaders
Even kings are subject to the ideal of a good king
This says nothing we're not already speaking of?
Yes, the Pope needs to live up to the idea of what a good Pope is
Whatever God deems that to be
I'm not sure you do as arrogant as that sounds. It is not guaranteed anywhere in the scripture that he is infallible in every facet of his action or of directing the church
@a_r_m_y calm down
Yes I am, I don't like people who call themselves Christians bowing to a man and putting the scripture second to him. The Catholic teaching he is only infallible in terms of speaking on the scripture after he has made an explicit declaration that he will be speaking using the chair
And this is not a debate channel either you all can discuss it or just agree to disagree and walk away
I don't think you've read what I said early even after accusing me of not reading . I'm not Protestant. The scripture says in the end times even the clergy will be corrupt
Then don't reply