Message from @ELIS314

Discord ID: 794989121843757076

2021-01-02 17:55:36 UTC  

I only care about things that are usefull to me in life

2021-01-02 17:56:00 UTC  

And the bible has something that is useful for me in life but beliving that it is real isnt usefull

2021-01-02 17:56:10 UTC  

If God exists, then that’s great. If God doesn’t exist, then... well... guess something else has to exist.

2021-01-02 17:56:52 UTC  

God is certainly the Supreme Judge of our world and, since he’s above us all, can have a clearer judgment than us, mortals.

2021-01-02 17:57:46 UTC  

from a non-religous standpoint, I would argue that the greatest goal in life is happiness. not frivolity or repose, but true happiness, which is a fruit of labor and a good mental state. I choose to belive in god, if he exists, not because I fear hell, but because I fear the saddness that lack of purpose and nihlism create.

2021-01-02 17:57:47 UTC  

Well he wants to know why God's useful if he's real correct?

2021-01-02 17:57:48 UTC  

But my question is why should I belive in the christian God? Like I want someone to try and sell me their religion instead of trying to sell religion as a whole

2021-01-02 17:57:54 UTC  

**And** the 10 Amendments are rules that should be respected by us all, because they have a reason for being there. They can’t just be said for no reason. God is a philosophical matter, by the way. He doesn’t have to physically exist in order for people to believe in it.

2021-01-02 17:58:24 UTC  

Well a calm and enjoyable life would be it but that is just what you said with less words

2021-01-02 17:59:05 UTC  

Well, our live can’t be truly amazing if we don’t have a purpose. If we don’t have a purpose, then we’re alienated. And God gives us a reason to live.

2021-01-02 17:59:08 UTC  

Ok but why Elohim and not Allah or Jehovah?

2021-01-02 18:00:11 UTC  

Again, you should know why. If you personally relate to the values that the religion is having, then you can believe in it.

2021-01-02 18:00:24 UTC  

I personally I am not Christian, though my religeon states pretty everything in the bible is true. Christianity has a well defined and agreeable (mostly) doctrine that encourages a stoic and kind life.

2021-01-02 18:00:53 UTC  

So if I relate to multiple things in different religions but with no entire religion then what do I do?

2021-01-02 18:01:06 UTC  

I am Christian I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and I believe the Bible

2021-01-02 18:01:23 UTC  

There’s a belief that all religions lead to the truth. I forgot it, but it’s essentially that all religions may have the truth.

2021-01-02 18:01:49 UTC  

I don't believe that at all

2021-01-02 18:01:49 UTC  

The resurrection of Jesus isn't even the 6th most important thing about Jesus, there are far more important things about him

2021-01-02 18:02:21 UTC  

Jesus Christ clearly existed. And, as many Christians put it, if you believe in Christ, you believe in God.

2021-01-02 18:02:24 UTC  

Well the resurrection is important

2021-01-02 18:02:56 UTC  

Well they have truth even if they arent real events

2021-01-02 18:03:09 UTC  

If it didn't happen then he'd be just some crazy man who had some good teaching

2021-01-02 18:03:09 UTC  

Its like how most fiction has a moral behind it

2021-01-02 18:03:30 UTC  

The resurrection shows Jesus’ godly nature... shows that Jesus possesses strengths that are beyond our natural realm. Jesus was born again, just like a Phoenix bird resurrects itself from its own flames.

2021-01-02 18:03:55 UTC  

If you belive that then you dont understand why Jesus was great 😂 to save the world we dont need a man to walk over water but a man that spits fact, and jesus did the both

2021-01-02 18:04:01 UTC  

**And** there is enough proof for religion. You shouldn’t be ignorant of the things that ARE actually true.

2021-01-02 18:04:49 UTC  

Like ? I do appreciate some religious teachings as the bible is a good book but I dont belive that me beliving in God is of any use to me

2021-01-02 18:05:06 UTC  

the most important part of christainty is not faith in god, but faith in his morals, which god stands for because god stands for all things good

2021-01-02 18:05:17 UTC  

Yes, and I believe in these morals

2021-01-02 18:05:37 UTC  

I dont belive morals are a real thing but they are useful so I use them

2021-01-02 18:05:52 UTC  

Morals are REAL, as real as you, me and others.

2021-01-02 18:06:04 UTC  

Morals are definitely real

2021-01-02 18:06:08 UTC  

It's like how money dont have real value but we all belive they have value so they are useful

2021-01-02 18:06:18 UTC  

The thing is that we have different moral codes, and some have worse moral codes, and some have better moral codes.

2021-01-02 18:07:31 UTC  

Like most people understand that not the paper or plastic is important but what we belive about that bacnote makes it powerful and useful

2021-01-02 18:07:35 UTC  

It's not enough to believe in morals--the biggest focus and purpose of Christianity is to point to what God did so our sins can be atoned for, that they will not stand against us on Judgment Day. It is about life after death, where will we go when we die. Morals are good, but your physical life can end at any moment, and where will morals get you then?

2021-01-02 18:07:52 UTC  

To hell

2021-01-02 18:08:04 UTC  

Exactly! It is about the eternal life, about us living forever in Heaven, the place God really wants us to live.

2021-01-02 18:08:23 UTC  

Life is brief compared to after death

2021-01-02 18:08:49 UTC  

You can be a good person but you'll still Go to hell after death you won't go to heaven if you don't believe

2021-01-02 18:09:05 UTC  

The physical world is wicked, sinful, terrible. And I think that socialism is not incompatible with Christianity, like Marx would put it as. Or Lenin. Or Stalin.