Message from @HUNTER4639
Discord ID: 752742889322184726
That is one of the BEST breakfasts ever👌
He’s gonna get eaten later so I guess I’ll put him here instead of in wildlife
🤣 <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Mmmmmm. I can almost taste the freedom
What exactly am I looking at 🤔
Buttermilk pancake with homemade apple cinnamon syrup and whipped cream on top
And pecans
Makes more sense lllooooll
I think it’s to much cinnamon syrup looks dark.
I’m going to eat well this week thanks to y’all
honestly looks good.
Is it weird that a book with desserts turns me on? 😅
Found this little treasure
Can't wait to try out recreating
Spaghetti, meatballs, salad with a blueberry vinaigrette
Oh they look good
I had Ethiopian bread once. Injera. It reminded me of a sourdough pancake
With plums from our garden
Looks delicious
I was wondering if those were grapes or olives 😂😅
Thanks :) Hehe they are a tiny breed of plum
Very nice