Message from @Plague Doctor Lawrence
Discord ID: 727633259743412224
starion ❤️
ive wanted one for years
Naw fam
btw it's GAZ
GAZ-A, licenced ford
I see
Thank you for correcting me
Italian cars looks good in red
sounds like Mitsu with swapped EJ
I’ve never heard of that car before, now I do. Thanks!
> My grandpa is a police officer and uses a 2005 tahoe as his patrol vehicle
@Kodiak oh god if he gets into a shootout
> The Chevy Conquest STi? I’ve never heard of that car before...
@Plague Doctor Lawrence That'd be an Eagle Conquest TSi. Rebadged Eclipse.
Oh snap... I must of read the Conquest as Chevy on front... Darn my autism...
Does anybody here enjoy driving simulator games? Specifically off road with heavy trucks.
beamng drive
@xd_gangster69 Snowrunner
gross. i hate those spin tires games
Why? Snowrunner is very technical and challenging
Everything that sucked about Mudrunner, Snowrunner has fixed
@Drakko The Defiler the games themselves look good i just dont like how unrealistic some areas of the game are. like rock crawling. you would slip off all the time or just get stuck on something that doesnt exist. the mud and water is amazing but i just dont like the driving basically. also i fell that mudrunner and snowrunner are exact clones of spin tires just with a few fixes to it
Mudrunner yes, Snowrunner is a completely different game. Following the same premise. However in Snowrunner you have upgrades and no more balance points. The driving physics have been overhauled as well as now instead of just logging you have many different cargo types. Fully visualized truck interiors. Also no longer is it a new game per map you have three regions with four large maps linked by a "tunnel" @xd_gangster69
The crane has been upgraded as well. This is a contract that involved finding a lost large pipe you need to retrieve it and load it
Yall I will trade me 91 and 92 cadillacs for a yamaha mt07 :p
Just so I can pretend to ride it and fall over
@Drakko The Defiler that three region four map thing sounds pretty cool. especially the tunnel thing. i might have to check it out
Check out the trailer
They have already released one new map and a whole new region is being tested in a public test server
Also mod support