Message from @Blue_Steel23
Discord ID: 730533944474206291
Meet and Cruises from over the last week I've been a part of in FH4
I can finaly take my drivers test
i have it tomorrow
I just applied for a job and if I get it then I'm gonna do my driver's test
I turn 16 in two weeks so I can't do either quite yet
they finally rescheduled mine
i tried to schedule one last month and they said they werent taking new appointments
At my Uncles house in Palmdale, Ca. Helm's Auto Sales. He was in the news many years ago. City officials of Bakersfield tried to put him in jail for supposedly illegal smog certificates. They failed.
Palmdale is wack
This post was made by Lancaster gang
California is wack
This post was made by red state gang
Some good ol country garages in and around central and far northern least there used to be, back when dirt track racing was everywhere.
California used to be the birth place of hotroding, now it’s actively trying to destroy that legacy. I can also confirm as a Californian this state is wack.
I’m pretty sure I mentioned before that in about 7 years California wants to make gas cars illegal from operation and force everyone to get Teslas.
I am also a california an can confirm its wack
I’m sure as HECC not going to let that happen.
Anyone living in Tennessee? That's where I plan to move to
But if it comes down to it... I have a plan...
Some teen in Texas converted a 1980 Toyota Celica into an eclectic race car...
If I need to I could do this.
But this is California, it’s illegal to modify cars here. It’s almost illegal to change your tire.
yeah I noticed there are a lot of restrictions
@lil tater not Tennessee; we are CA refugees living in GA now. Moved over 25 yrs ago and no regrets! Am a CA native.
well I like the chattanooga area
which is nearly georgia
100% agreed with all the CA comments. Dirt track racing was amazing in the '70's - 80's. By the mid '90's things were starting to shut down. Santa Cruz used to host the Beach Street Revival (all pre '70's cars) and they did away with that.
@lil tater indeed; I am about 2 1/2 hours from there in Gainesville. Am headed to Lookout Mtn in November for an Ultra. Nice area!
I’m in California and stuck here because I’m living with my parents off of Social Security and they don’t want me to leave because of my mental health.
I’m not even sure where to move out to because tons of red states are getting extremely hostile towards Californians...
No one wants Californians
Yall ruin everything you touch