Message from @Kiko
Discord ID: 732298956326961244
everyone loves em in aus. including me xD
their design hasnt really changed in 40 years
personally i like the older ones though cause theyre fully mechanical and easy to work on
Yeah I live in the mid west so we got big trucks. And red necks lol.
hehe is aus we call em 'four by fours'
u should rig yours up for a bug out 'truck'
Thatโs the plan. That or an over-landing/camping truck.
nice. is your truck diesel?
No way.
Sooooo guys my first motorcycle might be a 2019 Kawasaki ninja 650, guess I am joining the ninja bandwagon woot woot
Havent bought it yet still trying to decide if it's what I want
I like it so far
> Sooooo guys my first motorcycle might be a 2019 Kawasaki ninja 650, guess I am joining the ninja bandwagon woot woot
@Kiko Ninja 650 as first? Why?
I mean, at least this is not a YZF-R6
Idk really I dont know anything about bikes
Cars and trucks yes bikes no
I don't think I know much, but I know that 70hp is quite a lot
That's exactly what I'm wanting to say
This thing is fast and compared to car, i dunno, like something with 400hp or so as first car
Its not everyday that you see an M61 Vulcan mounted on a car. Pure f*cking freedom.
How does that even work ๐๐
Regardless it's beautiful
Isn't that crowder's sponsor
Or something like that
On a Prius of all cars.
Or should I get a hayabusa
Go big or go home right
Or go big and go to heaven is more like it
It's on a Prius for the memes
a lot of torque on low RPM
but this is more like 900hp GT-R
it's stupidly dangerous how easy those things drives
So... I should get the busa or the ninja
Or both
Or neither
Car, buy a car