Message from @Kiko
Discord ID: 732270208076742706
@F6RTSMELLER am i just drunk or is that grill like doubled up
There is a chrome push bar reflecting. Is that what your talking about?
i see two headlights and two grills
It is an ‘81 that’s the stock grill.
do they have landcruisers in USA?
Yep. You don’t see much of em but they are here.
everyone loves em in aus. including me xD
their design hasnt really changed in 40 years
personally i like the older ones though cause theyre fully mechanical and easy to work on
Yeah I live in the mid west so we got big trucks. And red necks lol.
hehe is aus we call em 'four by fours'
u should rig yours up for a bug out 'truck'
That’s the plan. That or an over-landing/camping truck.
nice. is your truck diesel?
No way.
Sooooo guys my first motorcycle might be a 2019 Kawasaki ninja 650, guess I am joining the ninja bandwagon woot woot
Havent bought it yet still trying to decide if it's what I want
I like it so far
> Sooooo guys my first motorcycle might be a 2019 Kawasaki ninja 650, guess I am joining the ninja bandwagon woot woot
@Kiko Ninja 650 as first? Why?
I mean, at least this is not a YZF-R6
Idk really I dont know anything about bikes
Cars and trucks yes bikes no
I don't think I know much, but I know that 70hp is quite a lot
From what people have told me so far... I might as well leave a will before I hop on it
That's exactly what I'm wanting to say
This thing is fast and compared to car, i dunno, like something with 400hp or so as first car
Its not everyday that you see an M61 Vulcan mounted on a car. Pure f*cking freedom.
How does that even work 😂😂
Regardless it's beautiful
Isn't that crowder's sponsor
Or something like that
On a Prius of all cars.
Or should I get a hayabusa
Go big or go home right
Or go big and go to heaven is more like it