Message from @chuddly | Chad
Discord ID: 773852736558596106
I’m going to paint the cylinder walls silver
That looks nice
That is shaping up to be an awesome coffee table! 👍
Needs JATO booster rockets...
vroom vroom
Got 2 super clean shots of one of the models in my model car collection
Any thoughts?
Superb 👍 Much nice much red
Hey everyone. Just figured I would introduce myself and see if there were any other racers in here? Im in the red car
In my head I'm a mix of Takumi Fujiwara and Colin MacRae but in reality I'm just a guy with a couple subarus
nice truck
Here’s my ride
This might sound crazy but i’m paying a bulletproof car company to bulletproof my truck because of upcoming riots
2003 with a 6.0. Had it for 6 years now
Should I buy a ATV or dirt bike
@ididwolfup I’d say ATV, more use. Our FD uses one with tracks for forest fires and rural rescue, just got to ride it this tuesday. Only flaw with tracks on an ATV is that it’s a bitch to steer.
ATVs are stable, not as easy to die on, and are much more practical and versatile in various situations. I’d say ATV
Also fun
hello people
@IceColdSweetT nice truck
@cooldude123 thanks, its came a long way since I bought it, worked my ass off to get it where its at
nice you now the hp?