Message from @Phoenix 3-1
Discord ID: 783907611329167372
I should make some Christmas gifts for my family this year too
Made these things a while ago. A pen, a cutting board, and a Celtic knot wood art piece.
Wow that's really cool!
I like the polar differences represented in one picture
Thanks! Nice dog
I've always wanted to do a Roswell style alien drawing. Here it is:
thats cool
@Mr. Clean looks like a vage ge.
I am unfamiliar with that term
I assume he means female genitalia.
good drawing though
From my manga. Partially inked and washed. I render it digitally when done
ATTEMPT in drawing digitally i think is decent he mah main oc i made ;w; (Idk how to draw shirts dont mind the bare chest :) he also kill demon in this that why there mark of demon
I like it. Keep going with it. Color takes a lot of time.
I, your great president, has made this beautiful artwork for you all to enjoy
@gggghhhheeee that minigun pic is so my style
Guess I'm not allowed to self-promote, so I'll just post my art (let me know if you have a problem with that mods).
2 sides of the coin, are yet one in the same
oooh me likey
vanny looks nice
I did a style challenge and in theme to this discord server