Message from @Swizzle
Discord ID: 794033571546660864
Damn that’s messed up <:Greta:720119386668531763>
anyways its 4am im gonna try and sleep
Lol it’s 1 for me. Gn
Please take a look at my artwork 🥺
Nice art
Making a LED light up sign
Hand engraved so not the best, wish I had a CNC
Idk it was for a class project
all these flags, you know we can use them all, as battle flags if and when the time comes
DUDE that’s awesome
I like that mermaid
Getting the hang of the artist tablet. I like it quite a bit.
Looks great
Haha yes
Among some of my late night escapades, I fucked up the bird so bad <:dogekek:726878872607653918>
Anyone know a good home for them?
So apparently me saying “don’t screw around near my stuff” wasn’t fucking clear enough for my brother who went and did just that and ended up smashing the antiaircraft gun model I worked on for 3 days
And cost 70 dollars
And that ducking idiot has the audacity to try and say “ItS aN aCcIdEnT”
Dude, that sucks....
You know what