Message from @Nick P. Wilde
Discord ID: 793979817448046642
Lol rip Commiefornia
Looks exactly right
hah, commiefornia- i like that
Aye we’re not all bad!
sounds like something a liberal would say <:LeoDecaprio:768140752525852742>
Damn that’s messed up <:Greta:720119386668531763>
anyways its 4am im gonna try and sleep
Lol it’s 1 for me. Gn
Please take a look at my artwork 🥺
Nice art
Making a LED light up sign
Hand engraved so not the best, wish I had a CNC
Idk it was for a class project
all these flags, you know we can use them all, as battle flags if and when the time comes
DUDE that’s awesome
I like that mermaid
i hope i can get the creator artist title someday
Getting the hang of the artist tablet. I like it quite a bit.
Looks great
Haha yes
Among some of my late night escapades, I fucked up the bird so bad <:dogekek:726878872607653918>
Anyone know a good home for them?