Message from @Get Phunky
Discord ID: 759842648189566998
I think that's a T-6 Texan.
Yep that's what it is.
You know it's been sitting there for a while when they mowed around it
Sounds like a popcorn maker lol
Wow that’s epic.
> Anyone know the plane?
@KumquatLord 100% t-6 texian
You can tell because of the wing and landing gear arrangement.
It's one of the most recognizable planes ever...
World's messiest ceiling fans.
@KyrosTheWarrior Just ask Vic Marrow.
@Get Phunky Those are inlets to provide air to the fuselage.
Ah i see
I dunno I still like the Stuka cannon idea
Those are some big cannons
I had to check who that was
And oof
Who who was?
The He 111 above me in that pic?
he's really moving
Love that vid
i wonder how many laws he broke there lol
Finally, another rocket launch!!!!!
This mission got scrubbed AGAIN
i may start posting pics from work soon.
here's some from my previous job