Message from @mangus.aviation
Discord ID: 783440228878647348
Unless they can be made
Yes they can be made
You just need nichrome wire and matches
I use 3D printed plugs, but tape can work too
Where can you get the wire?
I just hate buying anything I don't have to. And fuse is cheap lol. But so are wire and matches
After I perfect this, I will move on to more advanced fuels
For now I wanna get this right
I could probably google how to make them and where to get the wire
I just watched a video how to do it
Just gotta see where I can get the wire
This is what I use
It glow red hot under 3 volts over 1 inch
Gotcha. The wire is cheap. I like instant gratification. I wonder if they sell it at any brick and mortar buildings
chuck boris here trying to start the next spaceX dont discourage him
No i mean i posted something here and it was in the wrong chat
You all are probably tired of the huey shots but this one is intresting
mcas tustin blimp hangers in the back
not all blue checkmarks are stupid
They need to learn when to go to bed just like the whole country of North Korea
why tho nk
~~If they had lights to turn on I'm sure they'd be on~~
That tech's exitsted years ago
infowars lol
The only news I rely on is NASA, Elon's tweets about starfish and other space news sites
I get all my news from the babylon bee