Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 794092830192435212

2020-12-31 06:27:47 UTC  

The justice system absolutely needs to be punitive in such cases

2020-12-31 06:28:02 UTC  

It's difficult to prove

2020-12-31 06:28:14 UTC  

Especially if a child is the only witness

2020-12-31 06:28:34 UTC  

It becomes a "he said she said" type thing

2020-12-31 06:29:14 UTC  

Sometimes it's entrapment... guilt trip victims into obedience.

2020-12-31 06:29:22 UTC  


2020-12-31 06:30:18 UTC  

It's such a shame that shame is seemingly so easy to manipulate with

2020-12-31 06:31:19 UTC  

I've heard that they use blackmail too...take nudes of their victims and threaten to show the parents.

2020-12-31 06:31:53 UTC  

Sometimes the victim also feels shame and rationalizes why they shouldn't "ruin" the abusers life with the information

2020-12-31 06:32:20 UTC  

Stockholm syndrome definitely.

2020-12-31 06:33:35 UTC  

Yep, it's horrible. The shame not only of the act, but against your family and friends. I hope God reserves an extra hot spot in hell for these sexual predators

2020-12-31 06:34:58 UTC  

You do have a point, however the legal system tends to let it's guard down regarding these types of cases

2020-12-31 06:36:15 UTC  

They bring in counselors and detectives but I don't know everything about the process

2020-12-31 06:37:13 UTC  

I have some experience going through the process but it didn't go anywhere 🤷‍♀️

2020-12-31 06:37:17 UTC  

Is it harder when it's a "she said...*they* said", they're gangs. One of them could rat the others (prisoner dillema thing).

2020-12-31 06:38:31 UTC  

Yep, especially when it happens right in front of the police (looking at UK rape apologists)

2020-12-31 06:40:00 UTC  

Yep...i thought this was about the UK rape gangs. I heard that a guy named tommy robinson got jailed for speaking the truth about this.

2020-12-31 06:40:14 UTC  

Upside-down world

2020-12-31 06:40:46 UTC  

He got jailed for showing up to report it at the courthouse

2020-12-31 06:41:10 UTC  

Yup, that's the one

2020-12-31 06:41:24 UTC  

And the cops refuse to investigate the rape gangs over fear of being called racist

2020-12-31 06:43:21 UTC  

The national government even did their own investigation into police failures on the rape gangs. They then decided "it is not in the public interest" for the summary report to be released

2020-12-31 06:43:56 UTC  

It makes me unbelievably angry to see anyone defend the government or police or Muslims over this

2020-12-31 06:45:33 UTC  

They're calling it "asian" rape gangs... lumping in japanese, koreans, indian along with them. In the name of political correctness towards a protected class.

2020-12-31 06:46:51 UTC  

I see it. And yet the abusers clearly announce to the public that it's because these "white girls are trash" or that the victims were "sluts and whores" or that "they deserve it"

2020-12-31 06:48:45 UTC

2020-12-31 07:30:52 UTC  


2020-12-31 07:56:35 UTC  

Big floppa exposed

2020-12-31 15:14:11 UTC  


2020-12-31 15:14:14 UTC  

mmm doubt it

2020-12-31 16:11:38 UTC  

Oh a Russian bottle, totally American Pedos<:Dude:726878886411108474>

2020-12-31 18:06:47 UTC  


2020-12-31 18:07:04 UTC  

You werent supposed to see that

2020-12-31 18:07:14 UTC  


2020-12-31 19:02:36 UTC  

Epstein is alive? He'd better make a show for it then

2020-12-31 19:09:51 UTC  

Nah this is BS
Lin Wood is a democrat
HE wasnt crazy before election
Probably against trump ngl

2020-12-31 21:33:56 UTC  


2020-12-31 21:34:26 UTC  

I've never seen a picture of Jeffy dead, but he's got to have something really convincing to prove it

2020-12-31 21:55:54 UTC  

Not wrong