Message from @KumquatLord
Discord ID: 766756879149826048
ya'll want me to make a spreadsheet of everything 'racist'?
I'll stick to my 1980s webster thanks
I enjoy definitions not changing every other day
Is that your... preference? 😳
It's my orientation smh
"but muh fried chicken"
they take polisci, not civics
which is a different course
civics is a 2yr course at least ..polisci is like 1yr .it's basics or intro to civics
i took 1 yr political science and 2yrs civics...was about to take a 3rd but then the course got cut from the school program
when i took it, u had to take polisci at the same time u took first yr of civics ...or the polisci wouldn't make much sense, civics 2 was advanced course and civics 3 was constitutional laws and how it applies to each state gov systems
civics 3 i had to learn on my own
Today on "random acts of journalism"
heres some leftist news
Its vanity fair, thats given
If trump was on Fox and and Biden on FNN , it would’ve been a blow out
Don’t you think some people just watched Biden, just to see his gaffes??? Ratings don’t tell much in this instance.
Please tell me that is fake
Are you sure it's not like the babylon bee or something?
It's not
Oh my gosh
@Altair Aguilar Clown world is funny, until you realize that it isn't a joke
Just absolutely insane
Literally a lie
Why are they wanting people to say her name?
This is the current state of American academia folks