Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 769203132768452648

2020-10-23 05:38:32 UTC  

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

2020-10-23 06:08:31 UTC

2020-10-23 06:09:00 UTC  

I wonder what happens at the end of this magical *phase out*

2020-10-23 08:31:43 UTC  

And there goes a gazillion jobs

2020-10-23 11:56:59 UTC  

We need to create a considerable infrastructure of renewable resources as part of a phase out plan

2020-10-23 11:57:09 UTC  

Has *any* politician thought of that?

2020-10-23 11:57:43 UTC  

Thought of the jobs and livelihood of the TEN MILLION Americans in that industry?

2020-10-23 12:09:14 UTC  

Nuclear power is the best interim until we perfect renewables

2020-10-23 12:09:34 UTC  

But ofc the politicians don't understand that

2020-10-23 12:10:50 UTC  

If politicians knew what they were talking about, we would have been on Mars by 2010.

2020-10-23 12:14:02 UTC  


2020-10-23 13:18:51 UTC  


2020-10-23 13:18:55 UTC  

Illegal immigrants are surely coyotes.

2020-10-23 13:19:38 UTC  


2020-10-23 13:20:42 UTC  

Wait... what do they mean by that?

2020-10-23 14:09:24 UTC  

@LuckyPuffy people who are hired to sneak pople across for various (sometimes criminal) reasons

2020-10-23 14:09:49 UTC  

I mean, most, if not all of them must be illegal immigrants, so Trump is right.

2020-10-23 14:12:12 UTC  

Crossing the border illegally makes you an illegal immigrant. Being paid to cross people illegally into the US makes you a coyote

2020-10-23 14:18:37 UTC  

and an asshat

2020-10-23 17:12:46 UTC  

Illegal aliens 👽

2020-10-24 00:23:05 UTC  

and they still want my tax money and rights

2020-10-24 00:32:29 UTC  

Families with kids got special attention, so coyotes brought random kids to help the process.

2020-10-24 06:01:56 UTC  

Wonder what the parents of the smuggled kids intent were putting them through those coyotes in the first place. Or could it be kidnappings for something else... Its not cheap to get kids illegally to the southern border from Latin America with the garbage that happens down there anyway.

2020-10-24 07:26:53 UTC  

Im from Mexico and we called "coyotes": "polleros" thats something like "chicken person" but, im very surprised about the ignorance of the american leftards about the migration subject, and their necessity for post on twitter about something even when they know nothing.

2020-10-24 07:33:44 UTC  

We consider (recently) people who abandon their states traitors because they are not willing to work and improve their communities, they want "easy" money, exist cases when people ran from narcos and they actually need refuge but the bast majority are weak people who think that all Americans are billionaires and that life is easy in usa, we have a very bad problem whit south Americans crossing our southern border, man stay in Mexico and steal, join the cartels, rape and even kill, they fell entitled that we have to feed them and give them shelter and many "woke" mexicans help them.

2020-10-24 07:35:30 UTC  

Do the left even know about this? I bet not, because they are IGNORANT and won't listen to the minority's actual opinion. They only listen to the groups they wanna help in whatever evil deed there might be.

2020-10-24 07:37:07 UTC  

Thats because many people here are turning to be supporters of policies like the ones pushed by trump here many mexicans are now anti migration, i really think that both countries should reinforce our borders

2020-10-24 07:39:46 UTC  

Yeah people in left dont care about factual opinions or knowing about anything but the things internet or college tell them to "believe" is not a matter of knowledge is about believe and feel thats very dangerous

2020-10-24 07:46:57 UTC  

Migration with kids and older people is very dangerous that people really deserve that their children get ripped off their arms, sonora desert is hell, imagine walk miles in the hottest sun and the coldest night with your 8year old son, pay some human trafficker only to pass the border and put your son to work or worse to be kidnaped and prostituted thats inhuman.

2020-10-24 08:03:33 UTC  

Ilegal immigration are a multi million business, organ harvest, human trafficking, slaves for the drug production, children abuse, ilegal weapon sell, etc, dems don't want to end that many of them win a lot of money whit it is a complex system and cant be reduced to a "feelings" thing or a "orange man bad"

2020-10-24 08:04:59 UTC  

> Ilegal immigration are a multi million business, organ harvest, human trafficking, slaves for the drug production, children abuse, ilegal weapon sell, etc, dems don't want to end that many of them win a lot of money whit it is a complex system and cant be reduced to a "feelings" thing or a "orange man bad"
@starving venom emperor dragon yeah, I wish those businseses would stop

2020-10-24 08:08:25 UTC  

Me to, is harmful to both nations, (I want to believe that every decent human being want, but for good and valid reasons not for the sake of wokeness)

2020-10-24 12:14:53 UTC

2020-10-24 12:17:16 UTC  

I can't tell is that real?

2020-10-24 12:20:41 UTC  

It is

2020-10-24 12:20:53 UTC  

They deleted the tweet after backlash

2020-10-24 12:49:41 UTC  


2020-10-24 13:45:01 UTC  

To the op of that tweet:
No it’s not, and even if it was, we don’t care