Message from @Phycoknight
Discord ID: 770479886019854367
assuming the uncle tom reference was to the black judge who swore Amy in...not sure about the Serena Joy reference is yet
Me either
Not just any black judge but Clarence Thomas joe Bidens nemesis LMAO
You can't make this shit up TRUMP is a genius
I love it. I love it so much.
next week will (hopefully) Be 1 million times more delicious
Fingers crossed! 🤞
Sorry, can't help but repost the BEST LIBERAL TEARS MEME EVER
Cry, bitches, cry
Salt never tasted so good, yano?
and why "pro-life"
that just got thrown in there randomly
BeCoZ pRo LiFe Is AnTi WaMeN
Chaz if your still there you should see the daily wire trump condems white supremecy. There you can see multiple news sources and interviews where he does that. Is antifa an organization, well just look up the shield wall of rioters and the see the same uniform and flag i dont see how it can be debated that they are not
Who’s ready for part 2??
mmm the salt from reddit is real
i love it
i can't wait for the election
gotta remember to vote in person
Hoes mad
Lmao they wanna move to California
they're in for a surprise in scnadinavia
they have ALOT of high taxes and shit
also why would anyone wanna move to the liberal parts of california
I think they should move there just for the reality check
personally i'd like to live close to my parents and immediate family members
so east coast