Message from @米饭和面条
Discord ID: 772726253283311616
I am not a pro trumper! I am a conservative who believes in our constitutional republic. And there is no "politician" looking out for our republic right now in the democratic party. However we have a president in office as we speak that want's nothing more than to see you and I thrive. At great personal expense stepped up to say America is great and will only get better. No other country in the world is more diverse and equal and if you disagree i hear Sudan just signed on to a peace agreement with Israel because of TRUMP so move there perhaps it will be more welcoming to your gripes.
Or perhaps you should feel grateful to live in the greatest country in human history and do everything you can to keep it that way.
Orrr, they can go to friggin sudan and make sudan great again. Lol
If they can find sudan on a map. 🤔
You would think it's obvious lol but liberals..
Common sense isn't common with leftists
Sorry it's not cropped
Wanted to show it came from parler fuck Twitter!!!!!
Obviously it's the gun's fault people are scared of guns. 🙄
*Bad gun...bad...sit, now roll over. Goood gun.*
So there's a few things I found wrong with that tweet.
1. Black lives already do matter. It's something called common sense.
2. Basic fucking English. "All lives matter" would include "black lives" if you understand basic English.
3. Separating black lives from all lives **in this context **would imply you don't think black lives have the same value as other lives
Lefties are more racist towards white people at this point
it's really the sjws
and yes, I would agree
it's difficult to say
There is the soft bigotry of low expectations after all.
And they say they aren't organizing.
Here's a reminder to buy a gun and strap up. <:RotatedSemiFullyAutomatic:761629946564575242>
I don't have the chance to get one in time or have one because I'm in college.
I will be packing a bag to be ready to leave at a moment's notice though.
I caused a meltdown by replying "I'm a proud young Trumper ❤️ " this cupcake most likely lives in a basement
I'm gonna slap some questions on these soyboys
> Orrr, they can go to friggin sudan and make sudan great again. Lol
They don't even know where mount Rushmore is.
Adventure time discord server serious discussion is a goldmine for <#762720224268910632>
I think the term soyboy is offensive. I prefer the term tofu male, thank you
Lets teach that son of a bitch some lesson
Is a respect really a thing in that server?
I think there is only one solution
I’m bout to call all the conservatives to eviscerate that guy