Message from @米饭和面条
Discord ID: 774890331677261844
don't try and deflect from your blatant ignorance
and please explain how I'm a communist
The only ignorant here is you, facts are facts
you haven't even defined liberalism or communism yet
you're the ignorant one here
and you still haven't shown how I'm the communist
Gobalism is a failed experiment of Neo cons
completely irrelevant but ok
Don't ping me over a personal argument please
Fine Iron man
The Values of Liberalism are corrupt to the core they are reaching the apex of their end and this is why you're so confused, thinking Globalism is good
>corrupt to the core
ok buddy
I'm literally in a debate right now where they're saying I'm trying to make myself look like the victim, when I was trying to share how I sympathize with people who were in the situation where they wanted an abortion-
So apparently the whole #metoo thing doesn't matter if you support Trump, people.
I basically was sharing how I was ||raped and had a miscarriage||, talking about how I was pro-life, and they're saying I'm inconsiderate and putting myself in front of others. (Please don't apologize, you arent the one who did it)
Abortion is Murder
i uh, honestly dont know what to say to that
and the fact that they lashed at you like that makes me wanna bitch slap them
It just- The constitution literally protects unborn babies, and they're here, saying it's a woman's right to *kill* their child
What did that child do to deserve to die?
They're also a veteran with a child
"No, I was making a point from that perspective, that I know what it's like to be in that situation. Thanks a lot or confirming you actually dont respect me or what has happened to me.
The constitution protects those unborn children. Again, tell your child why it would have been okay for their mother to abort them.
And all morals come from religion, as religion formed morals. That is a proven fact, look it up.
If we didn't have religion in the world, we wouldn't have morals."
How I responded to some shit they said.
In their eyes, having that baby was unplanned and an inconvinience
So what if that's the case?
It shouldn't have to die.
It isnt their fault two people had sexual intercourse.
I know of people that have wasted thousands, if not millions of dollars in operations, treatments and medication to be able to concieve, yet these block headed morons only think about themsleves
Oh, not to mention they called me a narcissist for saying to not kill kids.
I believe that its time we have a law and license in place just to have sex or even have babies, because abortion got out of hand, its like going to the salon for lefties
> Oh, not to mention they called me a narcissist for saying to not kill kids.
@Ari idiots
First Ad Homminem, "the Constitution des not set values for every american to live"
False: 1A 2A and 7A all are pro life, right to speech, right to bear arms and defend, right to pursue happiness and liberty
imagine pinging someone over having different views than you. that's pretty intolerant
I just- It angers me so much
That somebody who FOUGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY
Is okay with killing the most innocent of us all
USSC does not Equal US constitution
Alcoholism doesn't equal rape, he's projecting
@Ari He's just projecting and a Neo Con, don't let him get to you
I just- Ughhhhh, I cant believe he uses my age to try to win the argument- That's fucked up-