Discord ID: 461999360201457664
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I uh- I know this is pretty common knowledge- But almost all women that get an abortion wind up regretting it before they die-
Because they realize eventually that it's wrong-
Oooooo! That's pretty!
I think I have some files on here of my art-
> I lack drawing skills but I still draw
I say that a lot, but once I started believing in myself was when I saw the most progress ^^
Oh wow!!!
You will! ^^
Oh- i think I could put this here-
I got attacked earlier on an art server I'm on when I said "The world is a fucked up place," one of the owners(over 30) calling me out, saying I was projecting doom and gloom on the election- I was literally responding to something someone had said, and hadn't even been informed of the "winner of the election-"
I'm 14, and this dude really tried to attack me like that-
His age XD
He is over 30
But it was just- I'm 14, and he knows that, and he just got such an attitude with me
This isn't the first time, either
Youre fine!
I'm literally in a debate right now where they're saying I'm trying to make myself look like the victim, when I was trying to share how I sympathize with people who were in the situation where they wanted an abortion-
So apparently the whole #metoo thing doesn't matter if you support Trump, people.
I basically was sharing how I was ||raped and had a miscarriage||, talking about how I was pro-life, and they're saying I'm inconsiderate and putting myself in front of others. (Please don't apologize, you arent the one who did it)
It just- The constitution literally protects unborn babies, and they're here, saying it's a woman's right to *kill* their child
What did that child do to deserve to die?
They're also a veteran with a child
"No, I was making a point from that perspective, that I know what it's like to be in that situation. Thanks a lot or confirming you actually dont respect me or what has happened to me.
The constitution protects those unborn children. Again, tell your child why it would have been okay for their mother to abort them.
And all morals come from religion, as religion formed morals. That is a proven fact, look it up.
If we didn't have religion in the world, we wouldn't have morals."
How I responded to some shit they said.
So what if that's the case?
It shouldn't have to die.
It isnt their fault two people had sexual intercourse.
Oh, not to mention they called me a narcissist for saying to not kill kids.
I just- It angers me so much
That somebody who FOUGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY
Is okay with killing the most innocent of us all
I just- Ughhhhh, I cant believe he uses my age to try to win the argument- That's fucked up-
he does it literally every time
And its stupid
"Just because you're 14 you cant have political opinions or have the facts uwu"
Yes, I'm 14.
Oh God they finally came back
Oh just a bunch of different adults telling me what to do here, too! XD
I was picking, not being serioussssss
"I didnt say anything not respecting you, I'm asking why it always has to be about you and how you feel? Why not think about others in similar and other circumstances?
For example, you were worried about having to abort the child, but in a Muslim country a woman who was raped would be worried about the child because it would make evident her rape and signal to the village she was due for a stoning or to be sold to her rapist.
It's a good thing judeohristian values were the arbitrary ones we chose. I disagree entirely that without religion we wouldnt have morals. What about philosophy? What about biologically engrained morals; like do not kill for enjoyment, or abandon your child"
Their response, which I'm not dealing with anymore
We're not in a Muslim country-
Well, at least you gained some sense
I cant say the same for this dude
"You, in fact, are capable of independent thought and deciding for your own what is right in life. You dont need to listen to a several thousand year old book that was authored and edited by several people, translated countless times, versions and entire books lost, abridged by leaders, and interpreted differently millions or billions of times"
I just- ughh
Because I'm a child and "cant think for myself" apparently XD
"Religions are the eternal human struggle of searching for meaning in life. It is much harder and depressing to try and accept that it might just be meaningless."
Qwerty, I'm too young for beer
English, please?
Thank you
"But it's like going from a communist country to a capitalist country: the options and freedom are then paralyzing. It's the same story with outsourcing political beliefs to those we deem competent"
Oh, also, this person is a Communist, forgot to mention that, before
"Rather pleased on how the election turned out. I suppose quite a number of even the most economy-minded people who previously supported Trump on the idea of him improving the economy turned their heads quite a bit, and that being economically prosperous doesn’t mean if you and economy-related workers like bankers are in hospital beds with covid due to irresponsible approaches. Here’s to a better year for 2021."
Some other person came into the chat to say that-
i just- ughhh
Anyone remember the bs that happened last night with that dude saying he was okay with abortion?
Now the owner of the server I was dealing with that on, my friend in fact, is getting after me- Ughhh...
It says "new" instead of "knew"
"Trump **new** this was going to be a contested election..."
Omg!!! This person literally called the dude who was being a jerk to me last night really smart and mature!! Wtf?!?!
Can someone come help me-
Come help me explain why abortion is wrong-
Wait a sec
"It isn't about my religion! Who even said that- omg-
Abortion is literally the murder of a child
If you think that's okay outside of where the woman's life is literally in danger, than I have no reason to talk to such people, because I can't believe how you could think it is okay to kill an innocent child.
Every woman that has an abortion later regrets it. Planned Parenthood is even all about the money, costing $500-15000. The two largest moneymakers in the US are Planned Parenthood, and the pornography industry. My mother, who has had an abortion, and even other women who I've spoken to who have had an abortion, all have expressed that it's like they herd you up, don't care about you, and only care about getting the money. We shouldn't be focused on ending that life, what we should focus on is helping that woman and the child. We always hear my body my choice, so what about the child's body? What about their choice? What about these women that want nothing more than to have a child, while others are so intent on having sex constantly, and just getting rid of the consequences. And about the women who are raped... Less than 1% of all abortions are rape victims, and women who actually would die if they were to continue developing that child. Also, in more than 50% of all rape pregnancies, the woman keeps the child."
"Why do you think planned parenthood costs so much is states that dont subsidize them? Also I dont think relying on the adoption industry is a great alternative It's because republicans defund them lol Nothing in medicine here in america is worth what they charge. We have a very corrupt medical system, controlled by health insurance companies. That said, you cant cry about the price of an abortion and doctors' fees if you are actively working to make sure those women must pay out of pocket Why are you ok with the murder of civilians in the middle east? Why are you ok with your tax dollars entering the military industrial complex?"
*just can someone join the server- XD*
They'll probably listen to an adult better than they'd listen to me
Anyone going to the MAGA march in DC this weekend?
I'm 14, so that's a no from me, buddy-
I wanna go, but Mom said no ;-;
I live in Virginia, so I was gonna try to go-
*And maybe meet John Doyle-*
It's 2 1/2 hours for me to get there
Imma see if my sister's husband will take me
He'll wear his giant MAGA hat, too, I bet XD
I'm 14-
That's nasty
On nvm
It's only 1 hour and 49 minutes from my location
Not sure where else to put this... But it almost made me cry so yeah-
*I put a spoiler on it because it's about abortion- If that's sensitive for you, then yeah- if there is the wrong place to share this, pls ping me-*
I changed someone's mind on who they supported yesterday-
And they're part of the LGBTQ+ community-
LGBTQ+ for Trump! ^^
And it isnt too late-
Biden hasnt won yet
wait did he-
because there are still recounts going on
Biden hasn't won yet
Because the actual results arent in yet
They're still doing recounts
They still have refused to let Republicans in to witness the Georgia recount
And allow both parties to witness counting
Pennsylania already flipped for Trump
And they should be at the same table. Cameras EVERYWHERE
the democrats own the media
That's why you see more stuff against Trump than for him, no matter what channel you flip to
> If we lived in an anime world would Joe Biden's nose bleed whenever he sees a toddler or an adult?
@Liammmfxx This is the first thing I saw-
Tell me how it's mature to have a political opinion?
i- *walks out*
My pinky toe used to be black
*someone thought I was an adult because of my political opinions but we dont talk about that-*
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