Message from @GoldKeyOboist

Discord ID: 775124222199988234

2020-11-08 22:13:04 UTC  

> minimum wage is just
> not a good idea if its raised to 15$
@GoldKeyOboist i think even $10 is a bit high

2020-11-08 22:13:18 UTC  

@❄֍Winter Soul֍❄ she has never taken the time to think about how these things work, smh.

2020-11-08 22:13:35 UTC  

i think that the best way is
be paid however much your work is worth

2020-11-08 22:14:41 UTC  

like if you're a doctor you deserve to be paid lots because you're saving a life
but if you work as a professor of gender studies you should be paid somewhere in the range of $0.01/hr

2020-11-08 22:17:54 UTC  

Can someone come help me-

2020-11-08 22:18:43 UTC  

Yeah, also, if you are on a state where everything is expensive as hell, the minimum wage seems like nothing, but if you live in let's say, Texas (idk) where things are cheaper than California, paying someone $15 minimum wage is a lot. Also, what do you need help with @Ari ?

2020-11-08 22:19:02 UTC  

Come help me explain why abortion is wrong-

2020-11-08 22:19:37 UTC  

Hmmm what is your current argument right now?

2020-11-08 22:19:39 UTC  

It is terminating the life of an innocent developing human being

2020-11-08 22:20:27 UTC  

Wait a sec

2020-11-08 22:20:41 UTC  

"It isn't about my religion! Who even said that- omg-
Abortion is literally the murder of a child
If you think that's okay outside of where the woman's life is literally in danger, than I have no reason to talk to such people, because I can't believe how you could think it is okay to kill an innocent child.
Every woman that has an abortion later regrets it. Planned Parenthood is even all about the money, costing $500-15000. The two largest moneymakers in the US are Planned Parenthood, and the pornography industry. My mother, who has had an abortion, and even other women who I've spoken to who have had an abortion, all have expressed that it's like they herd you up, don't care about you, and only care about getting the money. We shouldn't be focused on ending that life, what we should focus on is helping that woman and the child. We always hear my body my choice, so what about the child's body? What about their choice? What about these women that want nothing more than to have a child, while others are so intent on having sex constantly, and just getting rid of the consequences. And about the women who are raped... Less than 1% of all abortions are rape victims, and women who actually would die if they were to continue developing that child. Also, in more than 50% of all rape pregnancies, the woman keeps the child."

2020-11-08 22:21:44 UTC  

What is the other person's argument?

2020-11-08 22:23:17 UTC  

"Why do you think planned parenthood costs so much is states that dont subsidize them? Also I dont think relying on the adoption industry is a great alternative It's because republicans defund them lol Nothing in medicine here in america is worth what they charge. We have a very corrupt medical system, controlled by health insurance companies. That said, you cant cry about the price of an abortion and doctors' fees if you are actively working to make sure those women must pay out of pocket Why are you ok with the murder of civilians in the middle east? Why are you ok with your tax dollars entering the military industrial complex?"

2020-11-08 22:24:21 UTC  

Has anyone got the new meme of spongebob reading a book one half saying: 2016 Russia rigged election other half: 2020 elections can’t be rigged? Pleas

2020-11-08 22:24:46 UTC  

*just can someone join the server- XD*

2020-11-08 22:25:00 UTC  

@SykoticTwig ask in <#730597788399960155>

2020-11-08 22:25:29 UTC  

Thanks man

2020-11-08 22:25:48 UTC  

They'll probably listen to an adult better than they'd listen to me

2020-11-08 22:26:01 UTC  

I'm not an adult yet😂

2020-11-08 22:26:54 UTC  

However, my stance is abortion is wrong but I'm a bit more libertarian on it
It is murder and I don't think it should be government funded

2020-11-08 22:26:55 UTC  


2020-11-08 22:27:00 UTC  

wait wrong server

2020-11-08 22:27:01 UTC  

I'm not even religious

2020-11-08 22:27:02 UTC  


2020-11-08 22:27:16 UTC  

you guys need to get ben shapiro's pfp on youtube and make it into an emoj

2020-11-08 22:27:53 UTC  


2020-11-08 22:27:59 UTC  

We got this one

2020-11-08 22:30:16 UTC  


2020-11-08 23:59:26 UTC

2020-11-08 23:59:29 UTC  

Spot one

2020-11-09 00:14:12 UTC  

bruh what

2020-11-09 00:14:15 UTC  


2020-11-09 00:15:35 UTC  

All these progressives outing themselves as the fascists they are recently lmao

2020-11-09 00:15:38 UTC  

Charming lad isnt he..

2020-11-09 00:15:50 UTC  

Too bad they're too brainwashed to realize that

2020-11-09 00:16:04 UTC  

"We don't wish harm against anyone with a different opinion" -dems

2020-11-09 00:16:19 UTC  

"Oh and btw. If you like Trump, kill yourself" -dems

2020-11-09 00:16:24 UTC  

Moderate dems are okay

2020-11-09 00:16:30 UTC  

It's the far left that's crazy

2020-11-09 00:16:44 UTC  

They always are like that

2020-11-09 00:17:02 UTC  

Ofc. But far left just doesnt role off the tongue as nicely :P