Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 776449687657119774

2020-11-12 04:40:19 UTC  

I just realized the only thing thats changed from then is I've gone slightly to the right

2020-11-12 04:41:01 UTC  

I'm a smidgen to the right and five squares down

2020-11-12 04:41:10 UTC  

Centrist gang

2020-11-12 04:41:36 UTC  

These polls are worded funny sometimes though

2020-11-12 05:14:57 UTC  

This man must be in a liberal fantasy land

2020-11-12 05:15:23 UTC  

*uses Twitter

2020-11-12 05:15:47 UTC  

at most 3% of population if 100% of Twatter agreed with him

2020-11-12 05:16:06 UTC  

*me who doesn’t have Twitter and just goes down rabbit holes of tweets from comments on trumps post*

2020-11-12 05:16:58 UTC  

you could also browser retard, i mean Reddit comments

2020-11-12 05:17:31 UTC  

You look up shit hole and reddit shows up

2020-11-12 06:26:54 UTC

2020-11-12 06:27:13 UTC

2020-11-12 06:51:26 UTC

2020-11-12 13:38:47 UTC

2020-11-12 13:39:20 UTC

2020-11-12 13:41:18 UTC  

making a hit list, ah yes i remember what happened last time someone did that

2020-11-12 13:44:27 UTC

2020-11-12 13:52:34 UTC  

Yea they are crazy

2020-11-12 13:58:44 UTC

2020-11-12 14:13:51 UTC  

Thomas Boyle is true about that. For the richest country, America is very quickly becoming uneducated and easily manipulated

2020-11-12 14:40:12 UTC  

We need to teach kids better.

2020-11-12 14:41:01 UTC  

lets invets in education and abolish private schools

2020-11-12 14:41:11 UTC  

We should teach gun safety, not gun fear.

2020-11-12 14:41:21 UTC  


2020-11-12 14:42:00 UTC  

By that logic though, homeschooling would be abolished since it's private education.

2020-11-12 14:43:33 UTC  

private schools that concitrate the money of the upper and upper middle class in one place as opposed to a education system that benifits everyone

2020-11-12 14:44:15 UTC  

Public Schools/the current education system does not benefit everyone.

2020-11-12 14:45:23 UTC  

true, but by taking the concintration of wealth in the private school system and disrtibute into th epublic school system it will help the average educational expierence.

2020-11-12 14:46:46 UTC  

That's socialism.

2020-11-12 14:47:20 UTC  

no, its the public school system that we already have

2020-11-12 14:48:03 UTC  

just improved by giving them more money, or keep private schools and put a huge amout of federal funding into them

2020-11-12 14:49:51 UTC  

We do not need to dismantle private schools and take the privately funded money given to those private schools to fund public schools. People pay extra money for their children to go to private schools that have a better focus on what their child needs. Generally speaking, families that go to private schools pay more in taxes, and therefore, fund public schools they don't even use.

In addition, your "solution" is throw more money at an issue where throwing money has been the *only* solution by the left. Instead, we should (1) abolish teacher unions, and (2) enact school choice.

Abolishing teacher unions would allow bad teachers to held accountable and would make teaching a more competitive field. School choice makes school systems a more capitalistic function, creating competition between schools to do better overall.

And no, what you suggested is taking money from private schools to give to public schools, which is literally socialism.

2020-11-12 14:56:49 UTC  

> true, but by taking the concintration of wealth in the private school system and disrtibute into th epublic school system it will help the average educational expierence.
@chaz private schools earn their money. People pay for them for a reason. Wether it’s religious, over all higher quality education/more focus on the student etc. Public school curriculum and process wouldn’t be changed by a bit more money.

2020-11-12 14:59:37 UTC  

so, first @Froski I just want to say, that was a very eloquent point, well put and said. I think we should keep teachers unions to make sure they get what they want by not give out tenior (don't know how to spell that word) and my father has spent his live working in education, and the complaint of every public school is lack of funding, so I think we can spend more in that field, maybe take some from defense? considering defense is 14% of our nation budget goes to military and 9% goes to eduation. ( and Froski, it is a socialist pricible that has been proven to work in other coutries. I belive socialism is bad, but certian little tools from it do, and help augment a capitilist sytem. @SmokyCopCar this is true, I love my private school, but I belive the entire education system needs to be streamlined, rethought, and refunded.

2020-11-12 15:00:22 UTC  

> just improved by giving them more money, or keep private schools and put a huge amout of federal funding into them
@chaz More money is not the issue per data, charter schools w/ public funding do well but have reduced regulation and the same kids outperform. No one ever questions what we're teaching only that it must be an issue of money

2020-11-12 15:01:23 UTC  

note I said we need to reorgaise the educational standerd curriculum, but also put more funding into it.

2020-11-12 15:02:00 UTC  

money is not the sole issue, but it is the crutch on which we progress to a better education system

2020-11-12 15:02:01 UTC  

Fair but yeah if you're interested* Thomas Sowell has actually written a book about just that really

2020-11-12 15:04:23 UTC  

Don't take money from the military, take it from Planned Parenthood. Also, the funding aspect is a huge myth, when you break it down more. Federal funding is different from state funding and local funding. Also, Teacher Unions are awful. My wife, who is a teacher, agrees (see how that works, We can both claim we have people field. Awful attempt to argue that with your father.) If a teacher is bad, they need to be removed from a school. Tenure should not be a thing. If I fuck up a job as an attorney, I don't get to stay because I've been there 10 years. I get my ass kicked to the curb.

Money isn't the issue, and even if it was, look into how much of a teacher's paycheck goes to the unions.

2020-11-12 15:04:33 UTC