Message from @🐦Lt.SEC🐝

Discord ID: 778132813853491221

2020-11-17 05:38:08 UTC  

> @SmokyCopCar c'mon. we talked about this before. anything that's white is white supremacy
@isoboto exactly. Polar bears are actually under cover white supremacist spying on Canada and Russia

2020-11-17 05:38:08 UTC  

Excuse me, what the fuck?

2020-11-17 05:38:14 UTC  

> Were's self-induced anorexic pride? If we have fat pride, where do we go to support people who purposefully limit the amount of vital nutrients? The lack of such pride is a action of bigoted hatred towards Bipoc, females, males who think their females, and any other groups that haven't met their oppression quotas yet.
@ConsumerJunk adele lost weight and people called her fatphobic for it lmao

2020-11-17 05:38:36 UTC  

> Excuse me, what the fuck?
@Joe Cool oh yeah. you didn't know that's a thing on tumblr?

2020-11-17 05:38:43 UTC  

they make everybody gay

2020-11-17 05:38:45 UTC  

gay au

2020-11-17 05:38:54 UTC  

basically anything that can talk is gay

2020-11-17 05:38:54 UTC  

Must've been inspired by Steven Universe

2020-11-17 05:39:10 UTC  

14 yo: I diagnose you with gay

2020-11-17 05:39:12 UTC  

> @SmokyCopCar c'mon. we talked about this before. anything that's white is white supremacy
Except Shaun King

2020-11-17 05:39:42 UTC  

Shaun King will start being an honest person when a horse climbs a tree

2020-11-17 05:39:45 UTC  

> Must've been inspired by Steven Universe
@Joe Cool i don't watch the later CN works, after Powerpuff Girls and Danny Phantom lmao

2020-11-17 05:39:52 UTC  

SU had its LGBT propaganda well hidden. I liked the cartoon nonetheless.

2020-11-17 05:40:00 UTC  

I don't get it way dose the Steven Universe fandom is one of the most ridiculously woke fandoms I can possibly think of!!!<:Brainlet:752612764287238240>

2020-11-17 05:40:44 UTC  

Because what is Steven Universe without LGBT?

2020-11-17 05:40:51 UTC  


2020-11-17 05:40:51 UTC  

> @isoboto
> Except Shaun King
@ConsumerJunk shaun king is as black as my ass. and i'm asian

2020-11-17 05:41:01 UTC  

My hero Academia is also one of the most woke fandoms in anime

2020-11-17 05:41:04 UTC  

Jojo included

2020-11-17 05:41:19 UTC  

> SU had its LGBT propaganda well hidden. I liked the cartoon nonetheless.
@LuckyPuffy at least it's not overt shoving it down your throat, i guess.

2020-11-17 05:41:59 UTC  

> Jojo included
@Joe Cool I'm surprised I'm actually sheltered from that part. Damn.... I feel betrayed. (Not you just the fandom)

2020-11-17 05:42:05 UTC  

> I don't get it way dose the Steven Universe fandom is one of the most ridiculously woke fandoms I can possibly think of!!!<:Brainlet:752612764287238240>
@🍁Lt.SEC🍂#3027 fandoms are completely separated from the show though. sometimes there are movies/shows that are great but the fandoms are awful

2020-11-17 05:42:18 UTC  

Oh yea. True

2020-11-17 05:42:48 UTC  

But the reason why I was referring to why Steven Universe is ridiculously woke in itself is because that that whole entire PSA that recently came out of the don't be racist thing.

2020-11-17 05:42:53 UTC  

To be fair, every fandoms are toxic in a certain way

2020-11-17 05:43:04 UTC  

> My hero Academia is also one of the most woke fandoms in anime
@Joe Cool thank god i never went to that part of anime fandoms lmao

2020-11-17 05:43:05 UTC  

Steven’s dad was pretty lazy.

2020-11-17 05:43:07 UTC  

MHA is the most prominent one because there are way too many fans that want to shove their geekiness in to someone's throat

2020-11-17 05:43:58 UTC  

"You know, I just can't believe things have gotten so bad with fanbases that there's no way back. I mean, I know we're geeky, we obsess over little things, and we probably get too invested. But we've gone from being bullied in our lives to being bullies ourselves."
- Nostalgia Critic

2020-11-17 05:44:00 UTC  

> To be fair, every fandoms are toxic in a certain way
@Joe Cool in hockeyblr we're lectured that there are too many white cis girls and not enough trans <:KEK:726877368601411624> my dash was filled top-to-bottom about trans stuffs 3 months before the official transgender day (ie. today)

2020-11-17 05:44:36 UTC  

Does anybody actually watch Nostalgia Critic?

2020-11-17 05:44:41 UTC  

Damn, Nostalgia Critic of all people said it. It must mean something.

2020-11-17 05:44:43 UTC  

I do, sometimes.

2020-11-17 05:44:58 UTC  

He's a pretty good dude. He's a bit too screamy though lmao

2020-11-17 05:45:03 UTC  

Do you think Nostalgia Critic is overhated>

2020-11-17 05:45:12 UTC  

I know that meme of him just pointing at the computer hysterically.

2020-11-17 05:45:30 UTC  

i mean, if you don't like it don't watch it. i don't get on the hating people

2020-11-17 05:45:36 UTC  

> Does anybody actually watch Nostalgia Critic?
@Joe Cool ME.

2020-11-17 05:45:52 UTC  

although that being said, vaush is not hated enough

2020-11-17 05:45:59 UTC  

I mostly watched his interviews of all the Star Trek movies.

2020-11-17 05:46:37 UTC  

Just wanted to make you laugh. Here's the one from NC computer meme