Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 779931649017118721

2020-11-22 04:39:52 UTC  

Tell me about it

2020-11-22 04:40:00 UTC  

*That would be soooo discriminatory!*

2020-11-22 04:40:29 UTC  

The school system right now is so broken it's honestly funny.

2020-11-22 04:40:46 UTC  

It's not funny

2020-11-22 04:40:58 UTC  

It's our future going through that ideological jungle

2020-11-22 04:43:03 UTC  

It's already happening

2020-11-22 04:43:10 UTC  

No one is obligated to stand

2020-11-22 04:43:26 UTC  

I'm one of the few people who actually stand and say it

2020-11-22 04:43:41 UTC  

I didn't reliably stand until Trump was in office

2020-11-22 04:45:08 UTC  

I never truly appreciated how lucky I am to be an American until I started learning what Trump was doing for the US

2020-11-22 04:45:35 UTC  

I don't mean funny as in the laugh at it kind of funny. I mean it as in it's so bad it's funny kind of thing.

2020-11-22 04:46:35 UTC  

Believe me, I'm as shocked as anyone else

2020-11-22 04:46:56 UTC  

now *i'd like to tell you about my 5th grade teacher*

2020-11-22 04:47:00 UTC  

Lately I've gained a lot of respect for Trump

2020-11-22 04:47:10 UTC  

who is definitely the opposite of american soul's 4th grade teacher

2020-11-22 04:47:39 UTC  

The more I learn about the powers sabotaging Trump, the greater respect I have

2020-11-22 04:47:58 UTC  

she was a diehard liberal and i could tell even as a 5th grader
and apparently she was in some protest against the keystone pipeline in NYC

2020-11-22 04:48:00 UTC  


2020-11-22 04:48:02 UTC  


2020-11-22 04:49:40 UTC  

What's up with social studies teachers being liberal?

2020-11-22 04:49:55 UTC  

It fits with the sociology department being hyper liberal

2020-11-22 04:51:06 UTC  

My 4th grade teacher ended up being a social studies teacher

2020-11-22 04:53:41 UTC  

Not suprising 🙄

2020-11-22 04:54:13 UTC  

Some are borderline commies speaking from experience 🤪

2020-11-22 04:55:41 UTC  

Well she isn't liberal so 🤷‍♀️

2020-11-22 04:55:55 UTC  

At least from what I remember her teaching me

2020-11-22 04:56:31 UTC  

I believe she taught one of my sisters how to write a check
Yeh know, useful skills

2020-11-22 04:59:01 UTC  

This seems improbable... 🤨

2020-11-22 04:59:12 UTC  

For a public school

2020-11-22 05:00:19 UTC  

2012 was a different time

2020-11-22 05:01:05 UTC  

I've went to a public school for all my life

2020-11-22 05:02:03 UTC  

Minus the one year of a private Lutheran school 🤔
Kindergarten was a blur

2020-11-22 05:05:32 UTC  

I've also most of my life in public school

2020-11-22 05:05:43 UTC  

Only thing it ever does is drive me up a wall

2020-11-22 05:05:51 UTC  

And makes me miserable

2020-11-22 05:08:03 UTC  

bruh my schools debate club is pretty left

2020-11-22 05:08:06 UTC  

i just listen in

2020-11-22 05:08:14 UTC  

i dont speak much

2020-11-22 05:09:14 UTC  

I never had the patience or motivation to be in debate

2020-11-22 05:09:14 UTC  

last meeting they were like
WhY dOeSn'T tRuMp JuSt CoNcEdE

2020-11-22 05:09:22 UTC  
