Message from @Seance Unsean

Discord ID: 780883581215309874

2020-11-24 19:44:39 UTC  


2020-11-24 19:44:53 UTC  

The memes are really a satirical take on the whole idea and situation

2020-11-24 19:45:48 UTC  

Look I like memes, and what that expression of ideas can achieve.
We just live is a hyper condensed ideological state, of share first think later, if not never.

2020-11-24 19:46:01 UTC  

Its a byproduct of meme culture

2020-11-24 19:46:02 UTC  

Humans are social creatures

2020-11-24 19:46:05 UTC  

We like to share things

2020-11-24 19:46:15 UTC  

To share information

2020-11-24 19:47:00 UTC  

If your going to condense and idea, at least make it accurate and minimalise the entropy.

2020-11-24 19:47:27 UTC  

There is an art form in that.
Truth and meaning must be upheld

2020-11-24 19:49:11 UTC  

Everything the left is accused of, the right can be also accused of, even (dare I say it) centralists can fall down that hole.

2020-11-24 19:49:25 UTC  

Its conformation bias 101

2020-11-24 19:49:31 UTC  

Don't look at self.

2020-11-24 19:49:36 UTC  

Blame the other.

2020-11-24 19:49:41 UTC  

Yeah we are all having confirmation bias Mr Obvious

2020-11-24 19:49:46 UTC  


2020-11-24 19:50:00 UTC  

Preservation of self identity is a major problem

2020-11-24 19:50:09 UTC  

True true.

2020-11-24 19:50:27 UTC  

If you stay ideologically consistent, you shouldn't fall down the hole the modern left has - which is why they get accused of this stuff

2020-11-24 19:50:33 UTC  

Even if you can accuse them of the same thing, it doesn’t necessarily make it true for both of them though.

2020-11-24 19:51:18 UTC  

Ah yeah but sadly the MSM is choking the shit of their brains.
They got a lot of external pressure being applied.

2020-11-24 19:52:33 UTC  

The left are the Patsy's used as a convenient tool for separation.
The right already did that to themselves.

2020-11-24 19:53:09 UTC  

Left vs right.
Convenient tool of oppression.
Divide and conquer

2020-11-24 19:53:20 UTC  

Play into their hand.

2020-11-24 19:56:36 UTC  

Left and right are not defined groups - they're handy tools, however, to categorise arguments

2020-11-24 19:57:12 UTC  

If somebody who said they were right wing came in here and started saying white supremacy rubbish (and I mean actual white supremacy, not the false stuff that gets thrown around) - I would tell them I disagreed with them

2020-11-24 19:57:44 UTC  

It's not playing into anybody's hands to divide up two polar different belief systems

2020-11-24 20:11:59 UTC  

Those hidden elites would disagree

2020-11-24 20:13:05 UTC  

The whole left versus right is not some categorization made by a bunch of political normie on the street today, it was well established since the French Revolution during their political debate trials. Those who sat on the left were known as the Jacobists who wanted radical equality and destroy tradition in France, those who sat on the right; were the Girondists who favor a more reformed protocol to the French royalty.

2020-11-24 20:13:44 UTC  

So they are kinda defined groups already by that historical context alone.

2020-11-24 20:15:30 UTC  

If you want to keep the traditional roles in society and conserve them as a means to better society as well as conserving the nuclear family as it has been; you are from the right. If you don't believe that and want to steer through mindless progressivism and do away with hierarchies, and want total egalitarianism enforced, you are of the left. Plain and simple.

2020-11-24 20:16:05 UTC  

Other positions may vary in different aspects under those two groups but the rules of thoughts are the same.

2020-11-24 20:25:23 UTC  

why anybody would want that?

2020-11-24 20:26:29 UTC  

Because it has kept civilizations strong, at least in certain social aspects, like the nuclear family.

2020-11-24 20:26:51 UTC  

And yes, anybody, including the Girondists back then.

2020-11-24 20:29:46 UTC  

I should have been more clear, I was meant to ask about left(mindless progressivism, away with hierarchies and the like)

2020-11-24 20:31:00 UTC  


2020-11-24 20:31:51 UTC  

Well, to rephrase then, those who want that were people like Marx, Engels, Simon de Beauvoir and the Jacobins.

2020-11-24 20:34:09 UTC  

To be fair to the history in France, the royalty there wasn't exactly as good as it could be, so it was understandable the protests that happened, but Girondists wanted to reform the system and keep the hierarchies while allowing reasonable freedoms to people like blacks. But Jacobins were so radical and almost Marxist in tendencies that they decided bloodshed was the idea. To add insult to injury (to me personally), they executed the father of modern chemistry, for "treason" because he didn't agree with their political philosophy at the time.

2020-11-24 20:36:52 UTC  

So to the Girondists, and consequently, the whole right from then on; they wanted to conserve the social hierarchical order and work the reforms and changes within that order, never overturn it. The Jacobins were the ones who wanted to do away with that, and even non-French philosophers like Edmund Burke, a British, saw that what the Jacobins wanted was gonna end up making France worst than it was, and he was right during Robespierre's Reign of Terror.

2020-11-24 20:38:49 UTC  

re:Left ideas - but they could work only in 'ideal conditions' (spherical horses in vacuum so to speak) at best, not counting interferences and various deviations in real world

2020-11-24 20:40:26 UTC  

Not to mention they would backfire within a year or two, *at best* when they implement their philosophy in practice.