Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 781382256228302848

2020-11-26 03:44:54 UTC  

The lead liberal is like 375 pounds, but his mom is a conservative.

2020-11-26 03:45:41 UTC  

usually kids are rebellious against their parents and have more liberal viewpoints

2020-11-26 03:46:02 UTC  

although how "far" more liberal those viewpoints are, no one could say

2020-11-26 03:46:54 UTC  

He will change one day, my brother was a liberal for 4-5 years.

2020-11-26 03:47:29 UTC  

hopefully so. some of the people i met in uni so far are "liberal" progressives late into their life

2020-11-26 03:47:47 UTC  

my profs are 40+ years old and they are into the pronouns things

2020-11-26 03:48:26 UTC  

i voted for bama as a youngin but just the first term

2020-11-26 03:49:21 UTC  

i didn't know ANYTHING about obama until i started digging into canadian politics and connected the dots pre-trump era

2020-11-26 03:50:19 UTC  

I work for a school district doing maintenance work, all my co-workers are older conservatives, so at least at work I won't be called a racist.

2020-11-26 03:53:47 UTC  

that's great for you. i'm in canada so it's already pretty liberal up here, i have yet to encounter conservatives aside from my family

2020-11-26 04:46:06 UTC  


2020-11-26 04:46:24 UTC

2020-11-26 04:46:28 UTC  


2020-11-26 04:47:12 UTC  

The level of wrong is insane

2020-11-26 04:49:23 UTC  

There’s more

2020-11-26 04:49:59 UTC  

Send it

2020-11-26 04:52:02 UTC

2020-11-26 04:52:07 UTC  

Imagine citing the BBC

2020-11-26 04:53:02 UTC  

The BBC still operates under the illusion they are fair and balanced when a quick glance reveals anything but that

2020-11-26 04:53:20 UTC  

Lmao Obama did good for 1 year

2020-11-26 04:54:07 UTC  

Rationalizing rabbit hole strikes again

2020-11-26 04:55:24 UTC  

Dunno man, another post said he radicalized confederates

2020-11-26 04:55:25 UTC  


2020-11-26 04:56:37 UTC  

The only rebuttal to such naive smack talkers is a solid fact based schooling

2020-11-26 05:09:02 UTC  

lol i have been sending this to the leftovers i know who are like trump lost reeeeee

2020-11-26 05:11:16 UTC  

"Noooo! Trump lost, you got to admit it the fact he lost! COPE COPE COPE!" <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>
Haha SCOTUS go brrrrr

2020-11-26 05:40:31 UTC  


2020-11-26 05:44:44 UTC  

Not to sound offesive or anything but. I think Trump if he was a type of animal I see him as a yellow duck because his hair makes me think of a Bill beak of a duck.

2020-11-26 05:44:49 UTC  

And ducks are cool

2020-11-26 05:44:51 UTC  

And cute

2020-11-26 07:29:29 UTC  

They're not wrong...

2020-11-26 08:08:38 UTC  

that BBC article saying that Trump was just riding the Obama wave and that is why he is successful is disgusting XD

Obama brought all our tax money to our enemies and sucked their balls and paid them handsomely, paid China to make a viral weapon (a shame they got themselves first), had many gay coke fueled sexathons, patched it all up with his silver tongue

2020-11-26 08:09:56 UTC  

oh yeah, his major speeches were in the Devils Throne room

2020-11-26 08:11:27 UTC  

serious about that

2020-11-26 12:29:45 UTC  

China is pointing fingers at countries rn saying "Did you make the virus?" but we're all slapping our faces and we all know who it is.

2020-11-26 12:33:44 UTC  

Obama left the economy in a really bad spot. Entire companies were having to move to other countries just to keep going. Obama had one of the highest unemployment rates, and didn't even try to save those jobs.

2020-11-26 12:34:00 UTC  

And I love how they used the BBC as a source.

2020-11-26 12:54:45 UTC  

When he got in office at first, the DOW Jones dipped

2020-11-26 13:18:14 UTC  

Don’t forget the Obama real estate market crash