Message from @Bee

Discord ID: 782845510330351672

2020-11-30 05:19:57 UTC  

I have been arrested a few times in my day. Not once did I think it was acceptable to fight the cops.

2020-11-30 05:29:17 UTC  

If I got in trouble with the cops I would just cooperate and be calm as possible. Because the solve my issue you solve it in court not in the middle of the streets when you're getting arrested.

2020-11-30 05:29:39 UTC  

thats the best thing to do

2020-11-30 05:37:29 UTC  

I had a owi. Didn't drink anything. Got pulled over. The whole time this sheriff was telling me I smelled like alcohol. I did the field sobriety test. they towed my car. They gave me a ticket they take me back to the police station where. I ended up blowing a 0.000 and I ended up paying like $800 to get my car out. Had to take a underage drinking class. Then I had to go to court to fight it.

2020-11-30 05:38:28 UTC  

Even in that incident it never crossed my mind to fight the police.

2020-11-30 05:41:40 UTC  


2020-11-30 05:42:36 UTC  

The comments were funnier

2020-11-30 05:43:05 UTC  

The comments were retarded

2020-11-30 05:43:13 UTC  

Also another question is: Why do a lot of people do not like Greta thunberg? I do not keep up with the news or anything but the last time I checked I actually admired her mainly for the fact that she has autism and I have autism so it's nice to know that there's actually some famous person that's actually being openly recognized for being autistic.

2020-11-30 05:44:26 UTC  

Because she’s a climate activist at like what, 3 years old or smthn

2020-11-30 05:45:21 UTC  

I think the three years old part is a bit exaggerated but I get your point. But is there any flaws with her activism? What really dose piss people off about her?

2020-11-30 05:46:40 UTC  

I like Greta, her ideas are good. I wish she said more...

2020-11-30 05:47:19 UTC  

She is a child pushed to the front of a movement that most doubt she actually understands. Since she is autistic, it is easier to manipulate her, as if telling children they will die of climate change is not terrible enough

2020-11-30 05:47:35 UTC  

She has a good heart but I haven't really seen her do anything that will change the environment substantially other than protest

2020-11-30 05:47:41 UTC  

I dont think humans can control the cycle of the earth lol

2020-11-30 05:47:51 UTC  

The climate

2020-11-30 05:47:56 UTC  

No matter what u do

2020-11-30 05:48:05 UTC  

Planting trees can help,though

2020-11-30 05:48:11 UTC  

She got kids a skip day from school

2020-11-30 05:48:33 UTC  

We are accelerating the warming but she didnt plant 20 million trees like Mr beast did

2020-11-30 05:48:34 UTC  

she even said herself “i should be at school, across the other side of the ocean” or somethinf <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-30 05:48:40 UTC  

She went "I should be in school" yet she had not been in school for a few years

2020-11-30 05:48:40 UTC  

We can’t control the climate, but we can flatten the growth. We need to take every single action to not have a major change that could have negative consequences on us all.

2020-11-30 05:48:47 UTC  

Mrbeast is a fricking legend

2020-11-30 05:48:50 UTC  

But that’s my opinion, I understand your point.

2020-11-30 05:49:04 UTC  

MrBeast did more for the environment than the activists

2020-11-30 05:49:06 UTC  

What do you think is a better alternative? I'm not saying that I disagree or anything I'm just asking.

2020-11-30 05:49:45 UTC  

If you think you can play god and change the worlds natural climate cycle then be my guest

2020-11-30 05:49:46 UTC  

Not politicizing a topic that scientists fundamentally do not fully understand

2020-11-30 05:50:11 UTC  

Personally I think science in general should not be politicalized.

2020-11-30 05:50:39 UTC  

We definitely should do something about the environment but many people who are broke most likely dont care about the environment and rich people care about it so much yet keep buying new things

2020-11-30 05:51:03 UTC  

There are many things in life that should not be politicalized. Like philosophy and science and reason and all that other shit. That according to popular belief progressives us as a species.

2020-11-30 05:51:11 UTC  

has it really come to the point where people are saying dont have babies cuz its bad for the climate? Theyre dumbing themselves out of extinction

2020-11-30 05:51:17 UTC  

It's simply really. Responsible waste disposal and pollution controls

2020-11-30 05:51:51 UTC  

Recycling, smoke stack scrubbers, chemical treatments, etc. are good examples of these

2020-11-30 05:52:10 UTC  

Also where is the investment in nuclear? I understand the concern with waste but it is super effective and I would say worth it

2020-11-30 05:52:22 UTC  

Just put the radiation underground or something

2020-11-30 05:52:25 UTC  

You have my permision and full authority to do it, with EXTREME prejudice

2020-11-30 05:53:23 UTC  

Its been sanctioned into the ground "Because its too dangerous"

2020-11-30 05:53:45 UTC  

Which we all know its false

2020-11-30 05:54:00 UTC  

Obama did shut down our largest nuclear waste disposal site