Message from @dumb idiot

Discord ID: 784290121762734091

2020-12-04 05:22:23 UTC  

Disadvantages - Everything

2020-12-04 05:23:23 UTC  

In my computer animation class, a kid with a Pete buttiegege hat said “ looks like chickens lost, he is looking up white supremacy symbols” when i put the Gadsden as my profile pic

2020-12-04 05:23:23 UTC  

my school got the fucking bingo of liberal propaganda

2020-12-04 05:23:37 UTC  

i heard acceptance ranked high in liberal places?

2020-12-04 05:23:41 UTC  

BLM, pro abortion and LGBTQ+ posters all next to each other

2020-12-04 05:23:55 UTC  

Says the liberals themselves

2020-12-04 05:24:26 UTC  

My school had a student walkout for climate change a year ago and it got put in the yearbook, the girl organizing got “most likely to make positive change”

2020-12-04 05:24:53 UTC  

imagine liking pete buttiegege. a very forgettable man, indeed. i only remember him trying to drink in the public with a couple of dude for "relatable point"

2020-12-04 05:24:53 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:24:56 UTC  

They also walked out for Red for ed, essentially teachers striking for more money

2020-12-04 05:25:17 UTC  

I remember him calling a 9 year old on stage to come out as gay

2020-12-04 05:25:19 UTC  

Same, except no one I talked to knew it was going on

2020-12-04 05:25:22 UTC  

be like The Faction. Plaster/Draw on those posters

2020-12-04 05:25:52 UTC  

ill put a picture of ben shapiro next to them, that should solve it.

2020-12-04 05:25:59 UTC  

for real? as in calling somebody else he doesn't know to come out as gay?

2020-12-04 05:26:46 UTC  

Yes, i saw the clip on the Matt Walsh show in February

2020-12-04 05:26:59 UTC  

our school got herded outside for that. we can't go home, so i was outside chanting with the protest <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-04 05:27:17 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:27:21 UTC  

why only 1? you fucking pussy, paint a mural

2020-12-04 05:27:38 UTC  

When feeling down, you are certainly not adventurous

2020-12-04 05:28:56 UTC  

i will get an F- in art because 'destructive behaviour'

2020-12-04 05:30:13 UTC  

In art once in highschool they wanted us to paint global warming so i just put the letters fake news and did nothing else LOL

2020-12-04 05:30:28 UTC  

lol nice

2020-12-04 05:30:39 UTC  

School indoctrination at its finest

2020-12-04 05:30:44 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:31:13 UTC  

by god, you'll print a billboard-sized poster and stick it on the wall, over those stupid posters

2020-12-04 05:31:19 UTC  

In History we had to do an essay on why hitler wasn't that bad like wtf

2020-12-04 05:31:23 UTC  

in my contemorary issues class we have to learn about george floyd and im being force fed that he didn't die from drugs but police brutality

2020-12-04 05:31:41 UTC  

how did you do on the assignment? solid A <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-04 05:31:51 UTC  

My English teacher wants all of us to take about activism :/

2020-12-04 05:31:56 UTC  

i walked out of class lol

2020-12-04 05:31:57 UTC  

How did anyone get a paragraph done?

2020-12-04 05:31:58 UTC  

woke people trying to be unwoke?

2020-12-04 05:32:04 UTC  

every time i bring up this me and another kid get yelled at about how we are racist for like 30 minutes

2020-12-04 05:32:24 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:32:27 UTC  

"no, stay, my child" the teacher says. "here, i'll give you the first argument: hitler isn't bad because trump is worst"

2020-12-04 05:32:40 UTC  

I would tell her on my activism in supporting the president then show pics from the trump rallies ive been to

2020-12-04 05:32:52 UTC  

i walked out of class an told my mom and she called the higher ups and the teacher was "sick" for the rest of the year

2020-12-04 05:32:53 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:33:08 UTC  

also, apparently there is an adolf hitler newly elected in nigeria? she may be referring to THAT recarnated Adolf Hitler

2020-12-04 05:33:11 UTC  

I've never been to one 😦 I live in Chicago, where beetejuice rules the streets