Message from @jtlan

Discord ID: 784418458301497404

2020-12-04 07:23:53 UTC  

America is only great when these swamp creatures get to incarcerate black men, put children in cages, ban fracking and increase taxes

2020-12-04 07:24:21 UTC  

And fuck up other countries too (think Bush's wars)

2020-12-04 11:58:28 UTC  

I saw this meme on fb it said

"Why do we think 5yr olds are dumb for believing in santa

" When there are actually people who believe democrats

2020-12-04 12:50:12 UTC  

Joe Biden knows a lot about plagiarism

2020-12-04 13:19:11 UTC  

Liberals: we want unity!
Also liberals:...

2020-12-04 13:25:37 UTC  

what's blue maga

2020-12-04 13:25:41 UTC  

They don't want unity, they just want us to shut up.

2020-12-04 13:28:26 UTC  

That is NOT how people foster unity.

2020-12-04 13:28:59 UTC  

Is unity still even possible at this point?

2020-12-04 13:31:29 UTC  

It is unclear at the moment but we should hope for the best.

2020-12-04 13:37:12 UTC  

@Meryl.140.15 Scroll a little bit upwards, you'll see blue MAGA hats

2020-12-04 13:37:34 UTC  

Made by the Biden campaign

2020-12-04 13:38:00 UTC  

"You made America great by kicking Trump out!"

2020-12-04 13:52:52 UTC  

oh lol thanks

2020-12-04 13:53:07 UTC  

they don't look right in blue but i'm all for it

2020-12-04 13:54:32 UTC  

People are complaining about Amazon. Lots of liberals. I'm not sure what the bloody heck they are complaining about. Any idea?

2020-12-04 13:54:58 UTC  


2020-12-04 13:55:39 UTC  

I don’t have an issue with Amazon personally but they hate it for some reason

2020-12-04 13:56:15 UTC  

ok looking into it. Workers mistreatment?

2020-12-04 13:57:23 UTC  

I wouldn’t know, but pretty sure amazon pays $15 if not anything else.

2020-12-04 13:58:54 UTC  

If people want to unite, action has to be done on the part of both sides

2020-12-04 14:09:07 UTC  

Some moderates are turned off by the radical right wing similar to how we are turned off by the radical left

2020-12-04 14:33:12 UTC  

So I tried to state to my science teacher that I've been studying on the more than two genders idea. Which is false as hell. He thinks that sex and gender are different. I wanted to tell him how wrong he is but why should I waste my breath..

2020-12-04 14:38:35 UTC  

Do it to your peers and present all the evidence at once, overwhelming them so that they can’t refute it.

2020-12-04 14:41:04 UTC  

BuT vOtEr FrAuD wAs DeBuNkEd By ThE mEdIa

2020-12-04 14:41:53 UTC  

I don't understand the voters fraud thing. I haven't been paying attention to it

2020-12-04 15:21:46 UTC  

let's own the Republicans by telling them we hate gay people, poor people and welfare

2020-12-04 15:23:03 UTC  

Its funny cuz like 5 states in there are dem states

2020-12-04 15:23:28 UTC  

Or have been in the past few elections

2020-12-04 15:30:18 UTC  


2020-12-04 15:31:04 UTC  


2020-12-04 15:32:12 UTC this lady tazed a Trump supporter and got beat up

2020-12-04 15:53:10 UTC  

So you aren't allowed to hit woman? Gender equality my ass

2020-12-04 15:56:20 UTC  


2020-12-04 17:38:45 UTC  

So you mean to tell me that she tazes a guy then cries when people defend him?

2020-12-04 17:39:23 UTC  

I think so

2020-12-04 17:39:28 UTC  

Gosh people are so dumb

2020-12-04 17:55:43 UTC  

aaahh who are Uyghur

2020-12-04 17:57:34 UTC when is the last time you saw him not on a trump tweet

2020-12-04 17:58:38 UTC  

A Muslim like group in the xinjiang Provence (very controversial cause they are separating) they are also a different ethnic group but it’s more so they want to leave China than anything