Message from @Simpnautica

Discord ID: 787458695495286815

2020-12-12 23:14:48 UTC  

my school doesn’t teach anything useful since it’s just preparing for uni

2020-12-12 23:15:22 UTC  

i didn't sign up for econ for uni, but it's a mandatory class. i was grateful for it

2020-12-12 23:15:38 UTC  

in Hs?

2020-12-12 23:15:57 UTC  

i had mandatory religion acceptance or whatever

2020-12-12 23:16:14 UTC  

There is a uni prep English in my school but I took the normal 2 semester English since it’s gradually uni level

2020-12-12 23:16:43 UTC  

lmao i almost went to a christian HS and laughed when Religion was a mandatory course

2020-12-12 23:16:56 UTC  

wasn't christian

2020-12-12 23:17:00 UTC  

the government mandated it

2020-12-12 23:17:09 UTC  

then stopped mandating it

2020-12-12 23:17:13 UTC  

I went private through third grade and had to take bible class

2020-12-12 23:17:16 UTC  

I wonder how different I would be if I was a Christian

2020-12-12 23:17:32 UTC  

we don't have good AP classes in our school at all lol. like if you want to take the test, you're floating on your own

2020-12-12 23:17:55 UTC  

socialism just seems like a far stretch tho don't you think? all we can do is look at the socialist countries before and observe

2020-12-12 23:18:09 UTC  

I used to be Christian but kinda went away from it, preaching the same stuff over and over and making zero effect in my life

2020-12-12 23:19:08 UTC  

for some reason i treat socialism, marxism and communism as the same thing

2020-12-12 23:19:11 UTC  

I wonder if my school even does ap tests anymore because of covid

2020-12-12 23:19:16 UTC  

The only time I encountered a Bible was a summer sport camp (that i didn't discovered was orchestrated by a local church, my teachers were there). i was the only non-Christian there and i LOVE the lectures (mostly because i can play the devil-advocate). they shoved a bible in my hands at the end and tell me (excitedly) to join the school's christian club

2020-12-12 23:19:27 UTC  

I’m saying that cause some of my classmates know the digits of pi for no reason

2020-12-12 23:19:38 UTC  

lol they're wasting their time

2020-12-12 23:19:41 UTC  

technically, they are similar. communism is the end goal of both socialism and marxism

2020-12-12 23:19:43 UTC  

thing called a calculator

2020-12-12 23:20:06 UTC  

full-socialism is a sure-way to destroy a country, for sure

2020-12-12 23:20:17 UTC  

Starts three rest of the numbers to be determined by someone other than me

2020-12-12 23:20:45 UTC  

no one will know beyond 3.14 in many cases

2020-12-12 23:20:46 UTC  

i just don't see the logic in supporting something without a complete plan for a economy layed out

2020-12-12 23:20:58 UTC  

i think that's fine. a few christians i knew didn't quite keep in touch with the religious side of their life for a period of time and/or as they grow older

2020-12-12 23:21:07 UTC  

the fact that capitalism was developed under that or whatever doesn't cut it for me

2020-12-12 23:21:37 UTC  

especially when there is so much more dependance on others for producing things. if it fails then it's bad news for everyone

2020-12-12 23:21:51 UTC  

I just don’t see a reason to follow, I can help people without singing praise Jesus hallelujah amen

2020-12-12 23:22:23 UTC  

a lot of socialism is hinged on the government. as the dependence on government grows bigger, eventually it will reach communism

2020-12-12 23:23:17 UTC  

fair. i make fun of people who constantly invokes jesus's name to justified their position (although i like them lol)

2020-12-12 23:23:45 UTC  

Sure I’ll go to church with the fam, that’s about it

2020-12-12 23:23:56 UTC  

Y'all don't like Jebus?

2020-12-12 23:24:04 UTC  

Imagine not being an atheist

2020-12-12 23:24:10 UTC  

ain't as hot as modern satan 😂

2020-12-12 23:25:46 UTC  

i used to be super atheist. then my cousin asked me: "who creates this world? everything is very precise and follows a specific pattern. certainly, it cannot be random." then i believe in The Creator. not jesus/christian god or any religion's god. but there is a creator that is "program" or watching over us

2020-12-12 23:26:17 UTC  

What if it's all fake man

2020-12-12 23:26:22 UTC  

Yeah I don’t believe rocks formed perfectly randomly. Idk what to believe about the beginning

2020-12-12 23:26:30 UTC  

to me it's more...
do i care

2020-12-12 23:26:53 UTC  

dude. i think we're in an experiment and we're reaching the end 😂

2020-12-12 23:27:08 UTC  

Sometimes caring is needed.. but if we wish to discuss more religion maybe it's best we move to <#770707776070090794>