Message from @❄֍Winter Soul֍❄

Discord ID: 787928681904996412

2020-12-14 06:20:40 UTC  

My 140 can't handle the menial task of labeling everything.

2020-12-14 06:20:56 UTC  

Looking back 7+ or so years ago when I was far left, I noticed that a lot of ideals I had were morphed by peer pressure and the constant fear of hurting someone's feelings. Often times I blindly believed a lot of leftist media and never really dug into logistics.

2020-12-14 06:21:35 UTC  

Forget physical labels, mental labels is where it's at

2020-12-14 06:21:40 UTC  

I never really cared much about people's feeling since most people cared little for mine lol.

2020-12-14 06:22:18 UTC  

Idk my IQ

2020-12-14 06:22:22 UTC  

True, but while a sad thing it does create a strong backbone

2020-12-14 06:22:38 UTC  

Meh I just don't care at all.

2020-12-14 06:22:41 UTC  

I feel your pain. I want to post Covid memes so badly, but everyone on my social media would kill me.

2020-12-14 06:23:09 UTC  

That's the spirit

2020-12-14 06:23:52 UTC  

Nowadays I don't really talk to most of my peers about politics because I don't want to deal with their shit storm if I say something that mildly offends them.

2020-12-14 06:24:03 UTC  

That's okay. It's a useless bit of information.

2020-12-14 06:24:06 UTC  

Just do my job and get on with life

2020-12-14 06:24:26 UTC  

Trying to convince people is often a waste of time lol.

2020-12-14 06:24:34 UTC  

What? The public school district hasn't tried to assign you to SPED classes before? <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-14 06:25:05 UTC  

I did have an IEP at some point but I never had any special classes

2020-12-14 06:25:38 UTC  

All my IEP did was extend deadlines, yet I forgot about that all the time

2020-12-14 06:25:53 UTC  

Yeah that's what I had

2020-12-14 06:26:07 UTC  

We're "special" <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2020-12-14 06:26:14 UTC  

So freaking lonely though. I can't believe how much I want to talk with people about this stuff despite being an introvert.

2020-12-14 06:26:53 UTC  

I felt very lonely as a conservative amongst my peers

2020-12-14 06:27:16 UTC  

But now I'm getting better at scouting for other conservatives my age who are in the same boat

2020-12-14 06:27:20 UTC  

For some reason online conversation is easy to get into, otherwise socializing with strangers feels like a trap sometimes

2020-12-14 06:27:29 UTC  

Most of the time politics isn't brought up at work but 99% sure most my coworkers are conservative

2020-12-14 06:28:12 UTC

2020-12-14 06:28:30 UTC  

I'm surrounded by conservatives that lean authoritarian.

2020-12-14 06:28:53 UTC  

*Hammer of justice crushes youuu* 🎵 🎵

2020-12-14 06:29:13 UTC  

I'm surrounded by people who disagree with me on one issue or another.

2020-12-14 06:31:05 UTC  

I'm surrounded by people that blindly hate the right or refuse to see their side of things under a neutral lens which is really a shame

2020-12-14 06:31:15 UTC  

That is a shame.

2020-12-14 06:31:18 UTC  

Lol just like a Dem to make poor choices with their money

2020-12-14 06:31:35 UTC  

Liberal megalopolis?

2020-12-14 06:31:46 UTC  

SF Bay Area

2020-12-14 06:31:51 UTC  

I usually cannot bring myself to talk about politics at work because I'd have to have a list of cold hard research fact's as counter points, and that is just too exhausting to keep up with.
@diarkia124 I totally feel you, I get that at work too

2020-12-14 06:32:09 UTC  

You're deep in Retardville, USA

2020-12-14 06:32:17 UTC  

When working, the job is first.

2020-12-14 06:32:31 UTC  

Maybe I wouldn't know since I haven't actually gotten a job yet.

2020-12-14 06:32:43 UTC  

But I'll get that soon lol.

2020-12-14 06:32:47 UTC  

Lmao "jobless" <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-14 06:33:55 UTC  

One nice thing about the city i live in is that it's full of super competitive Asians so at least we don't like the systemic racism that is affirmative action lol

2020-12-14 06:34:12 UTC  

And we didn't have riots like our neighboring cities

2020-12-14 06:34:34 UTC  

I used to live in SF too lol.