Message from @2Lazy2BeOriginal

Discord ID: 789553698123546705

2020-12-18 17:16:35 UTC  

That's the problem with saying gender as a "range". how do you know if you're 50% female, 50% male? or 30% female, 70% male? is there a scientific method of specifically identified where you're on that "spectrum"? i'm open to the idea (and in fact i think most of things are a range, not affixed on 2 points), but the reason society agrees on 2 is because it's easier for human brain to grasp and generally good enough for layperson to understand

2020-12-18 17:17:43 UTC  

Exactly what I thought. Like would not having a beard make you slight less Male? Or having small boobs. Society doe not need to know the extent of how "male you are"

2020-12-18 17:18:03 UTC  

Also you know what his stance on non binary? It wouldn't fit on the spectrum

2020-12-18 17:18:08 UTC  

Or if he's talking about sex

2020-12-18 17:19:56 UTC  

non-binary is generally a rebuttal to the "spectrum" thing. it's referring to someone who don't identified as either male or female but something in between

2020-12-18 17:20:39 UTC  

I understand that gender and sex aren't the same. But is identifying as non binary even useful

2020-12-18 17:29:02 UTC  

I still don't get how all of these people are jumping off being anti-rushed vaccination backed by all these people who arent scentists for a virus that mutates so it's not effective and you have a 99.99% chance of surviving just fine suddenly makes you anti all vaccinations. Tim Pool kept doing the same thing yesterday when he was like, "Yellow fever vaccine good! Tetnis vaccine good! Thus all vaccines are good!"

2020-12-18 17:29:03 UTC  


2020-12-18 17:29:04 UTC  


2020-12-18 17:29:42 UTC  

>you don't get to ignor facts that don't agree with you
>ignores all facts that don't agree with him and finds a rando who would agree with him

Bruh, you can find an 'article' or 'study' that supports any opinion. We can people making legit flat earth arguments. Doesn't mean it's actually supported by reality... And again, abnormalities do not create a new class of being. Are humans not bipedal because there are variations of limbs? Is this person implying that differences in biology or physicality dislocate them from being part of any group? So a woman who cannot have kids for one reason or another is not a woman, but some sexual in between because her sexual organs work differently? That's the argument this person is making. "Find where the spectrum is." Sex isn't a spectrum. It's X or Y and sometimes there are mutations where you get a teeter totter of XX / Y (that's supposed to be a totter weighed down on the side lmao), but it's still not a spectrum. Expression is a spectrum. Science isn't.

And I gotta say, people turning everything into a spectrum looks like a means to obfiscate things because it makes it harder to diagnose or classify anything.

2020-12-18 17:30:17 UTC  

i think vaccines are good. i just don't trust vaccines that are tampering with my RNA and vaccines that was newly developed in under a year with no liability AND with connection to China

2020-12-18 17:34:15 UTC  

It's backed by Bill Gates. He's never been able to prevent viruses on the computer system he's worked on for decades. Why we listening to for biological viruses?

2020-12-18 17:34:57 UTC  

the mRNA is a good point too. I feel like the normal population is completely ignorant or ignoring the fact this vaccine is unlike ANY of the previous vaccines because of the mRNA tech

2020-12-18 17:38:29 UTC  

this is the first mRNA vaccine that is distributed in massive roll-out. I'd rather watch and see what it does, because it doesn't alter your DNA but it can absolutely "program" your mRNA to produce specific hormones and proteins you aren't aware of

2020-12-18 17:53:06 UTC  

When ever I get into a debate with someone, I never mention my religion. They'll attack that instead of your opinion.

2020-12-18 17:55:20 UTC  

With this kind of person, it's always about attempting to discredit the messenger, not responding to the idea.

2020-12-18 17:55:54 UTC  

Everyone, even the most despicable people in history, have a bead of knowledge they can share. Nothing should be disqualified from consideration, even just thinking it over to reject it, just because of who said it.

2020-12-18 17:58:27 UTC  

True, but the more than two gender thing is more retarded than that asshole who blew up on me

2020-12-18 18:01:17 UTC  

yea I really haven't heard of an argument where they proved that there is more than 2 genders

2020-12-18 18:04:07 UTC  


2020-12-18 18:04:30 UTC  

I just don't wanna hear that there's more than 2 genders a fact and I'm fine

2020-12-18 18:05:12 UTC  

I just don't agree with stupidity

2020-12-18 18:10:51 UTC  

Like I'm always told. Knowing is half the battle

*G. I. JOE*

2020-12-18 18:19:43 UTC  

"There are more than two genders."

"Prove it."


"What's your evidence?"

"JUST. ๐Ÿ‘ BELIEVE. ๐Ÿ‘ ME. ๐Ÿ‘ "



2020-12-18 18:36:20 UTC  

"Gender is a social construct"

"How useful is it to not identify as your assigned sex"

"Very because I am not a Male or female"

2020-12-18 18:45:52 UTC  

Must be hard to not be able the use gender assigned bathrooms

2020-12-18 18:58:11 UTC  

So I can be any gender I choose to.

2020-12-18 18:59:56 UTC  

I sexually identify myself as a Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3000MHz C15

2020-12-18 19:00:06 UTC  

Apparently. Today I'm the king of Mercury and whoever doesn't bow down to me or call me his royal business, is a bigot.

2020-12-18 19:04:30 UTC  

Thanks because I just had a seizure

2020-12-18 19:04:41 UTC  


2020-12-18 19:06:07 UTC  


2020-12-18 19:06:51 UTC  

My favorite thing to do is to tell people that I'm not religious even tho I wear a cross

2020-12-18 19:07:46 UTC  

(Cough, I am religious, I lie about it. Cough

I just tell people they wil go to hell for supporting a real racist

2020-12-18 20:20:34 UTC  

Lmao my friend that was spamming covid death counts and things Hitler did on all trump tweets got restricted on Twitter

2020-12-18 20:20:44 UTC  

TDS is no joke

2020-12-18 20:53:02 UTC

2020-12-18 20:54:34 UTC

2020-12-18 20:59:09 UTC