Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 790064698347094017

2020-12-20 03:40:11 UTC  

Which harmon is basically means Ripple in Japanese so it's most likely doing some kind of anime reference may be most likely either Demon Slayer or Jojo.

2020-12-20 03:40:58 UTC  

I think Beth Harmon is an actor or character

2020-12-20 03:41:10 UTC  

I find it hard to believe anyone who watches she ra likes it for any other reason besides its gay

2020-12-20 03:41:14 UTC  


2020-12-20 03:42:12 UTC  

even steven universe with its cal arts artstyle looked less creatively bankrupt

2020-12-20 03:42:27 UTC  

I watched She-ra on Netflix once and I couldn't stomach the lack of substance

2020-12-20 03:42:36 UTC  

It was all gay and nothing else

2020-12-20 03:43:05 UTC  

I like Steven Universe but you have to get past the sjw crap

2020-12-20 03:43:20 UTC  


2020-12-20 03:44:16 UTC  

I watch japanese live action and this obviously lefty (with the things he suggests) always suggests a western adaptation for it. western entertainment is a cesspool and I don't get how some people don't see it

2020-12-20 03:45:23 UTC  

the amount of progressivism in comics is ridiculous

2020-12-20 03:49:02 UTC  

There is a show that I like called Star vs the Forces of Evil. I watched it a lot when I was probably 13. My little sister was rewatching it and sometimes I'd watch it with her. I noticed some progressive messages but I also noticed other messages like a positive daughter-father relationship and platonic relationships without everything having to be sexualized

2020-12-20 03:49:16 UTC  

during a show's run that featured a nonbinary actor there would be people on the fandoms reddit that would lose their shit if someone referred to them as a she

2020-12-20 03:50:30 UTC  

Ive not seen much star wars related stuff since the first rey movie

2020-12-20 03:50:55 UTC  

I didnt need anyone else to tell me it was shit

2020-12-20 03:51:05 UTC  

Well that's most of Reddit to be fair, flipping out for no real reason

2020-12-20 03:53:13 UTC  

after a while I checked out other fandoms and I was just as disappointed

2020-12-20 03:53:40 UTC  

one was of precure and some dude kept on race swapping characters

2020-12-20 03:54:05 UTC  

I noped out of that reddit

2020-12-20 03:54:29 UTC  

I don't even want to know what goes on bnha reddit

2020-12-20 03:55:02 UTC  

I've only lurked a few subreddits to kill time, would not inhabit that site ever

2020-12-20 03:55:35 UTC  

But the question is that in a franchise just having gay characters alone does that somehow make it some crappy sjw Progressive stuff? If it's just gay characters and they're not pushing any agenda?

2020-12-20 03:55:39 UTC  

only stuff I found useful of it was for people to get news for me

2020-12-20 03:56:23 UTC  

most of the stuff Im mentioning is japanese so no

2020-12-20 03:56:44 UTC  

the fandoms just want to push gay and other stuff just for the sake of it

2020-12-20 03:57:00 UTC  

99.99% of the time they put a gay character in there for Twitter brownie points. I've yet to see a good film with a gay character

2020-12-20 03:57:50 UTC  

I couldnt care less if a character was gay I just don't want it to be shoved down my throat. I'd rather have them just *happen* to be gay.

2020-12-20 03:58:18 UTC  

The most easiest way to make a gay character or just any character whose is supposed minority or whatever. Is to just make them something Beyond of what they are. And make their character more important than their sexuality or some crap.

2020-12-20 03:58:45 UTC  

there was this lefty girl in my old highschool gym class who only started being interested in me because she was convinced I was gay

2020-12-20 03:59:10 UTC  

But that would require not being an ideologue. A man can hope tho

2020-12-20 03:59:56 UTC  

Indeed. Because I do want to write down a fantasy story with gay characters in it. And I'm writing it down in a way where it's not everything about them.

2020-12-20 04:00:27 UTC  

I kinda want to make an oc extremely progressive and post it someplace progressive and just see what happens. I dont even draw or make ocs

2020-12-20 04:00:36 UTC  

I'm not trying to push any agenda or anything like that. I guess the only agenda that you could say that I'm sort of saying is that gay people are human beings just like everyone else and that's it.

2020-12-20 04:01:35 UTC  

I've met lefties that treat being gay or knowing someone gay as some sorta trophy

2020-12-20 04:01:46 UTC  

reality is rather ironic

2020-12-20 04:02:11 UTC  

The best way to normalize gay people is to not talk about them being gay. Have them do normal shit and most people will not be peturbed

2020-12-20 04:02:40 UTC  

Exactly! You just pretty much said what I was saying but except more straightforward!

2020-12-20 04:03:11 UTC  

and normally most people dont know whether or not other people are having sex. for all I know my neighbor is cheating on his girlfriend and is banging a dude

2020-12-20 04:04:09 UTC  


2020-12-20 04:04:22 UTC  

to make it obvious without announcing it have them hold hands

2020-12-20 04:04:25 UTC  

or a peck on the cheek