Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 792276833475231755

2020-12-26 03:24:27 UTC  

They were setting fires like this months ago. The city needed to stop it. The citizens who haven't left have to stop.

2020-12-26 03:24:45 UTC  

The terrorists are literally attacking civilians. you respond or you die. They're setting fires to places with people in them.

2020-12-26 03:28:49 UTC  

Well that was a lot to read

2020-12-26 04:24:51 UTC

2020-12-26 04:25:07 UTC  


2020-12-26 04:25:54 UTC  

I hope they emigrate to Transylvania 🏳️‍⚧️

2020-12-26 04:28:49 UTC  


2020-12-26 05:05:01 UTC  

I’m in a read that tomorrow, sorry

2020-12-26 05:05:22 UTC

2020-12-26 05:05:42 UTC  

wow I don’t know if he’s aware that the city is responsible for the cops.

2020-12-26 05:05:58 UTC  

Also if you are vandalizing you can expect to get a baton etc

2020-12-26 05:07:23 UTC  

Oh wow getting flashback of that French teacher

2020-12-26 05:07:55 UTC  

also he didn’t say anything islamaphoic. Just pointed something out with Islam

2020-12-26 05:18:38 UTC  

No doubt <:KEK:726877368601411624> trust the chinese experts, not the whistleblowers

2020-12-26 05:19:13 UTC  

Oh irony 😩

2020-12-26 06:11:08 UTC  

What changes? Not sure 😂

2020-12-26 06:23:54 UTC  

My initial thought was "ew what is that"

2020-12-26 06:24:02 UTC  

Now I realize it's Ellen Page

2020-12-26 06:24:53 UTC  

I recognized the mouth, but because I can't see her forehead I couldn't tell

2020-12-26 06:25:16 UTC  

*The mouth moves, but the brain is no longer there*

2020-12-26 06:25:27 UTC  


2020-12-26 06:25:44 UTC  

Happy kwanzaa

2020-12-26 06:26:07 UTC  

Hold up <:PepeGunRob:781190574375436319>

2020-12-26 06:26:14 UTC  

I believe the origin of kwanzaa is a lefties meltdown

2020-12-26 06:26:50 UTC  

It's an activist's creation

2020-12-26 06:26:54 UTC  

From the 80s

2020-12-26 06:28:12 UTC  

It was first celebrated on the 60s i think and it was allegedly started to give the black man a holiday because Christmas is a white man's holiday

2020-12-26 06:30:14 UTC  

I've not heard of that origin story

2020-12-26 06:32:37 UTC  

My friend said happy kwanzaa to me a few hours ago so I spent some time glazing over some articles. Lots of them say it was first celebrated in '66, and there is this one dude that claimed that Christmas is for white people🤷

2020-12-26 06:33:23 UTC  

I can only roll my eyes and sigh at these people...

2020-12-26 06:33:45 UTC  

It's utter nonsense

2020-12-26 06:34:28 UTC  

And yet they think themselves to be the normal ones

2020-12-26 06:36:36 UTC  

I understand that it was during civil rights movement era, but even then, the people in that movement probably barely know much about their african origins or remember what Africa was like. They were fighting against segregation while separating themselves from the holiday that brings all mankind together

2020-12-26 06:37:41 UTC  

These people would rather stay separate than integrate, and it shows. If you want to indulge in African culture, go to Africa. Simple as

2020-12-26 06:40:20 UTC  

Yeah, don't be making up your idea of african culture. There are people who aren't even from Africa originally and still claim to be so. I mean, that's cULtUrAL ApPrOpRi@tioN

2020-12-26 06:41:07 UTC  

Actual cultural appropriation, yet they twist it to be "liberated" and such 🙄

2020-12-26 06:41:49 UTC  

Smh wokeness is too much for me

2020-12-26 06:42:00 UTC  

I'm not woke enough to understand

2020-12-26 06:42:57 UTC  

We have too high of standards, use too much of our brain, and think too freely to stoop to their level

2020-12-26 06:44:41 UTC  

Well, the next generation will *hopefully* be dumbed down enough to have WHOLE generation of woke robots