Message from @2Lazy2BeOriginal

Discord ID: 793950052892147733

2020-12-30 21:06:17 UTC  

I mean people will bring up the military and removing protection from discrimination when getting service

2020-12-30 21:06:38 UTC  

I'd be lying if he did a lot to help them honestly

2020-12-30 21:06:51 UTC  

unless you have a counter point of course

2020-12-30 21:06:57 UTC  

I’m blocked. Lol.

2020-12-30 21:07:12 UTC  

wow just wow

2020-12-30 21:10:00 UTC  

Trump is a murderer now apparently.

2020-12-30 21:10:33 UTC  

seriously? brandon was over 18 so he was able to be killed

2020-12-30 21:10:55 UTC  

he also killed people in a grusome way like seriously? letting them burn alive or suffocate

2020-12-30 21:11:17 UTC  


2020-12-30 21:11:43 UTC  

not sure if I mixed up people but people wanted to postpone a death of a 19 year old black murder

2020-12-30 21:12:14 UTC  

<:KEK:726877368601411624> he let a murderer (that happens to be black) die. therefore he's racist

2020-12-30 21:12:14 UTC  

only mention black because it's blm who wants it to be postponed

2020-12-30 21:12:20 UTC  

I wish they would burn him alive and suffocate him personally but that might just be me, die the same way his victims did

2020-12-30 21:12:30 UTC  

good luck and godspeed talking sense to the person, jesus

2020-12-30 21:12:52 UTC  

Apparently leftists see normal men as so weird, they had to come up with a term.

2020-12-30 21:13:03 UTC  

people forget he's 19 when he was murdered, he's no longer a minor

2020-12-30 21:13:05 UTC  

Goes for everyone that commits murder

2020-12-30 21:13:08 UTC  

I only see the benefit of this. You know when they say if you're a straight, white male? Well now, you can be ubersexual :')

2020-12-30 21:13:29 UTC  

young person to die? yea doesn't mean he deserves to live after literally burning people

2020-12-30 21:13:43 UTC  

They use the word teenager to make it sound like he was younger, really manipulative

2020-12-30 21:14:03 UTC  

people will say justice but where's the justice to the people affected by their loved ones dying

2020-12-30 21:14:12 UTC  

i haven't made up my mind about executing murderers, but i won't deny that having the cruel murderers that kill their victims in cruel ways to die the same way they forced their victims to

2020-12-30 21:14:23 UTC  

yea I noticed lmao I thought he was a young person but no he is over 18

2020-12-30 21:14:46 UTC  

Removing them from military service protects everyone. You can't even join the army if you have messed up vision. Being trans is a liability risk for everyone in the troupe

2020-12-30 21:14:55 UTC  

I fully believe in capital punishment. If you murdered and tortured people so you could get their money, you deserve to die

2020-12-30 21:15:26 UTC  

yea I think it wasn't that smart of a move but I can see why, if they can't decide which bathroom to go than who knows how much them being in the wrong body effects their performance

2020-12-30 21:15:52 UTC  

Brandon Bernard was on death row for 20 years. If you blame Trump, you have to blame everyone who came before him, but plz

2020-12-30 21:15:57 UTC  

You could’ve robbed without torturing and murdering, but why not just follow the law and get honest money and it wouldn’t be an issue to begin with

2020-12-30 21:16:10 UTC  

I was gonna mention obama and bush and clinton when they were in power

2020-12-30 21:17:03 UTC  

yea he went above and beyond

2020-12-30 21:17:21 UTC  

they are still benefiting from the money they got from the time they were in office. i'd argue, in a way they are still in power

2020-12-30 21:17:26 UTC  

I honestly don't think we need a one-size fits all answer for this. Some states have death penalty, some don't and the jury decides whether they should get it or not if applicable.

2020-12-30 21:17:43 UTC  

If the jury chooses it, this is a decision by the individuals peers in the actually community

2020-12-30 21:18:23 UTC  

Looks like Brandon Bernard and his friends were ahead of their time and really embodied the tenants of BLM: Burn, Loot, Murder.

2020-12-30 21:18:37 UTC  

people will say "Blacks get harsher sentenses" but maybe get a better lawyer man

2020-12-30 21:18:54 UTC  

Harsher punishments usually come with repeat offenses.

2020-12-30 21:19:05 UTC  

or be respectful, not sure if a judge would even want to excuse his actions

2020-12-30 21:20:09 UTC  

I got another NPC monkey bragging about Trump being suppressed .

2020-12-30 21:20:11 UTC

2020-12-30 21:20:18 UTC  

And some replies too.

2020-12-30 21:20:31 UTC  

I don't appreciate his case being used politically. I understand the desire to be empathetic. I did a video on this subject and talked about the different arguments I saw them making -- but to make it political instead of sticking to the issue shows they don't care about Brandon Bernard OR the death penalty