Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 793973925943181312

2020-12-30 22:26:34 UTC  

Poor guy!

2020-12-30 22:27:07 UTC  

And i wasn't posting a thumb up for your brother's aspergers lol- i was thumbing up for you knowing what i was talking about

2020-12-30 22:29:20 UTC  

I know, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who takes it like that in conservative circles

2020-12-30 22:29:26 UTC  

Yeah, i don't remember why exactly they blanket it under autism other than social difficulties, but my experience has been with people who have many many different situations and they are all classified as autistic because they have the basic traits, but at different levels

2020-12-30 22:30:15 UTC  

He has not been helped by bad parents and isolating schools

2020-12-30 22:30:36 UTC  

We had this convo in here with a few other people feels like a few days ago and generally agreed the same awkward umbrella was kinda weird since the needs / 'treatment' for low vs high functioning/aspies was so drastically different

2020-12-30 22:31:03 UTC  

Things like this make me wish i wasnt stuck at home even more- i wanna help ppl

2020-12-30 22:33:06 UTC  

Yeah, everyone has different needs which makes the generalization a bit awkward, I agree😆. Some people have extreme sensory issues and ticks, some don't have obvious ticks, so are more high functioning in different aspects, and so one and it's just a weird overall blanket diagnosis with such diverse and unique people

2020-12-30 22:34:26 UTC  

yeh. I'd be more down for an aspies spectrum and an autisum spectrum... and just recognizing they're both socializing developmental things... anyway.. who knows why the psychologist association chooses to reclassify...

2020-12-30 22:36:25 UTC  

Yeah, I would like to ask someone in that field what's with the classification system. Maybe it was easier for medical or financial reasons, idk.

2020-12-30 22:37:08 UTC  

I don't really see the reason to reclassify Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Dysphoria

2020-12-30 22:38:42 UTC  

Esp. with the treatment... If you were to change categorization to a type of dysphoria specifically because it has to do with a different form of body dysmorphia, then why wouldn't it be treated like the other body dysmorphias? Where someone who's bulimic wouldn't be encouraged the view of their body is correct and they aren't sick. Changing the classification kind of just makes me more confused?

2020-12-30 22:40:03 UTC  

Life trudges on all the same

2020-12-30 22:47:38 UTC

2020-12-30 22:47:40 UTC  

Oh look...

2020-12-30 22:47:43 UTC  

No answer

2020-12-30 22:48:07 UTC  

I don't know why people give a crap about republican run states if they live in a blue state

2020-12-30 22:48:16 UTC  

They're just salty

2020-12-30 22:48:27 UTC  

They see people in Florida smiling, having fun

2020-12-30 22:48:31 UTC  

and are jealous. Must smash

2020-12-30 22:48:55 UTC  

They need something to complain about to fill their empty lives

2020-12-30 22:49:04 UTC  


2020-12-30 22:51:35 UTC  

I know a thing or two about it because I once lived it

2020-12-30 22:54:43 UTC  


2020-12-30 22:55:40 UTC  

Florida is basically where it will come down 100 votes difference

2020-12-30 22:56:11 UTC  

It's a bad, toxic outlet of misery I have grown out of

2020-12-30 22:56:40 UTC  

Scorning and attacking others does nothing but drive anger

2020-12-30 22:57:23 UTC  

Thas kinda edgy bro

2020-12-30 22:57:40 UTC  

I am not amused

2020-12-30 22:58:12 UTC  

I know what drives them, it's something that needs a wake up (or slap in the face) to get out of

2020-12-30 22:59:11 UTC  


2020-12-30 23:00:15 UTC  

The least these lefties could do in their misery, is get a backbone and a moral compass and some principles

2020-12-30 23:08:08 UTC  

Its amazing how much proof you can show to them before they give up

2020-12-30 23:08:37 UTC  

and 99% of the time they dont even give up, they just call you a racist

2020-12-30 23:08:53 UTC  

then block you.

2020-12-30 23:09:01 UTC  


2020-12-30 23:10:26 UTC  

people think I'm lying when I say only 9 unarmed black people died in 2019 compared to many more from other blacks

2020-12-30 23:10:32 UTC  

90% approx

2020-12-30 23:11:20 UTC

2020-12-30 23:11:26 UTC  

as im researching colleges...

2020-12-30 23:11:56 UTC  

i stumble across this