Message from @Toilet Hugger

Discord ID: 797224379426537492

2021-01-08 21:59:01 UTC  

not personality or just roles

2021-01-08 21:59:03 UTC

2021-01-08 21:59:22 UTC  

kinda like different age and different expectations

2021-01-08 21:59:42 UTC

2021-01-08 22:00:04 UTC  

dude he wouldn't have this if it weren't for the english language

2021-01-08 22:00:25 UTC  

I know what it's like struggling to figure who you are
<:Aqua_pout:796462483731644516> It's a teenager thing

2021-01-08 22:00:41 UTC  

yea what are emo people lmao

2021-01-08 22:00:58 UTC  

also this gender fluid video is full of things like this

2021-01-08 22:01:06 UTC  

Just go on dude no one's holding you back

2021-01-08 22:01:38 UTC  

oh I know I'm putting too much into this but these comments are amazing

2021-01-08 22:01:38 UTC  

If someone is suicidal I don't think using the wrong pronouns is the issue

2021-01-08 22:01:49 UTC  

yea you got massive insercurity

2021-01-08 22:02:52 UTC  

yea you chose to be non binary. People stuck with their assigned sex as gender and you chose to change it

2021-01-08 22:03:27 UTC  

To be fair, I don't exactly know how to properly deal with suicidal (apart from drugging them with anti depressants which still doesn't help)
From my basic knowledge, when dealing with a mentally ill person, you want to get them out of their bad mental state rather than feeding into it

2021-01-08 22:03:44 UTC  

these people are so suicidal

2021-01-08 22:03:48 UTC  

im thinking that if you are so stressed out about trying to figure out who you want to sleep with, then you probably are repressing something

2021-01-08 22:04:09 UTC  

I do think that pronouns is a dumb thing to be suicidal about

2021-01-08 22:04:15 UTC  

it truly is

2021-01-08 22:04:41 UTC  

dude they are talking about how offensive it is to identify as a pencil

2021-01-08 22:04:56 UTC  

yet they say "gender is a social construct" you can be anything you want

2021-01-08 22:05:03 UTC  

I had to deal with a suicidal person twice. First was already after he calmed down a little I suggested a shower and he said it helped

2021-01-08 22:05:57 UTC  

yeah suicidal people would need a lot of support, pronouns is not gonna help

2021-01-08 22:06:26 UTC  

A few of my lib friends were were ranting about "recugender"
it's identifying with your assigned gender but refusing to be cis

2021-01-08 22:06:36 UTC  

oh it's transphobic to make a joke about identifying as an attack helicopter

2021-01-08 22:06:43 UTC  

Second time was another kid who jumped out a driving car (I was the driver) and then he crossed te street without looking and tried to jump down the rails, I held him back with the help of another kid, we dragged him to the floor and I sat on him then he passed out

2021-01-08 22:07:13 UTC  


2021-01-08 22:07:32 UTC  

omg that is an amazing story

2021-01-08 22:08:02 UTC  

yeah I would freak out in that situation

2021-01-08 22:08:08 UTC  

so they just want to feel special

2021-01-08 22:08:11 UTC  

He suffered from a condition called dissociative seizures

2021-01-08 22:08:39 UTC  

dude seriously

2021-01-08 22:08:54 UTC  

I don't know it was strange. My body just moved automatically in that moment I was purely acting on adrenaline

2021-01-08 22:08:54 UTC  

people made iigender and xenogender, where's the flag for attack helicopter?

2021-01-08 22:09:21 UTC  

It's narcissistic in a way, but my issue is that my friends encouraged that kind of behavior when they accept things like trans, other folk, etc

2021-01-08 22:09:35 UTC  

and then they turn around and rant about recugender

2021-01-08 22:09:40 UTC  

But now back to topic yeah if pronouns make you suicidal... No one can help you

2021-01-08 22:09:57 UTC  

yea I honestly can't believe this

2021-01-08 22:11:08 UTC  

She is amazing when it comes to this stupidity

2021-01-08 22:11:17 UTC  

also yea they are still funny

2021-01-08 22:11:19 UTC  

They have a genuine mental disorder, let's be nice

2021-01-08 22:12:05 UTC  

Even though they have a mental disorder, how exactly do we address that?