Message from @Red Jasper

Discord ID: 771627187400343562

2020-10-29 16:57:37 UTC  

I'd say, we need to unite before its too late

2020-10-29 16:58:19 UTC  

and fight back

2020-10-29 19:58:17 UTC what do you think of this report? I'm HIGHLY skeptical because normally for any infection if you get re-infected it should be easier for your body to fight it, and to a degree, how severe or mild your infection is depends on viral load

2020-10-29 21:30:08 UTC  

Skeptical because I’m pretty sure that testing on yourself (one person) is against scientific practice & isn’t actually a study. This guy seems to be a “look at me” scientist.

2020-10-29 21:54:52 UTC  

It certainly has happened many times in the past where scientists wanted to prove a principle but did not want to jump through the hoops of federal regulations. Can't say its always very accurate but its more of a demonstrable strategy

2020-10-29 21:55:03 UTC  

take them for example lol

2020-10-29 23:11:10 UTC  

this happened in my city

2020-10-29 23:11:19 UTC  

pulling down ur mask to argue with someone cuz hes not wearing a mask?

2020-10-29 23:42:50 UTC  

lol imagine caring that much

2020-10-29 23:43:13 UTC  

about anything really

2020-10-30 02:11:28 UTC  

Well, it is the deadliest virus in recent history.. I know this because msnbc told me so... WeRe AlL gOiNg To DiE!

2020-10-30 06:20:48 UTC  

If you aren’t yet living in constant fear, now is the time.

2020-10-30 06:39:31 UTC  

Does that mean there are only 100 million Americans left 🤔

2020-10-30 06:47:33 UTC  

I'll have whatever they've been drinkin'...need some "miracle juice" to process all the stupid they throw at us. 🍻

2020-10-30 06:49:02 UTC  

...and an uber for the ride home. 😆

2020-10-30 07:37:50 UTC

2020-10-30 09:47:10 UTC  
2020-10-30 12:41:13 UTC  

Two weeks. That's what they said last time, and here we are. Normal is now abnormal and the abnormal is normal. My memory of what time was like before 2020 is like a figure fading into the mist of the world.

2020-10-30 13:51:00 UTC  

lets hope it does not become permanent, because some might be complacent and submit to the new normal, others arent going to do that and snap at the government for keeping them locked down.

2020-10-30 13:52:25 UTC  

because if someone at the top wants to start somethign sus, then it would be the Big Tech Giants that would be behind all of this.

2020-10-30 13:52:50 UTC  

This would merge every dystopia into one single book, called 2020.

2020-10-30 15:11:39 UTC  

@Meryl.140.15 the 1918 pandemic was a particular strain of the common bacterial influenza that was far worse than the normal strain, in the same way covid-19 is a particularlly bad strain of covid

2020-10-30 15:12:20 UTC  

the point is the side effects of masks are dangerous

2020-10-30 15:12:46 UTC  

did you read any of it?

2020-10-30 15:15:29 UTC  

oh that's right i forgot we have antibiotics now so it's OK if we catch other illnesses while feebly attempting to prevent a different illness.

2020-10-30 15:16:24 UTC  

nooo thanks i'm gonna breathe beautiful oxygen

2020-10-30 15:17:47 UTC  

that was my friends defense on masks and bacterial pneumonia "well we have antibiotics now"

2020-10-30 15:20:26 UTC  

so, how do surgeons who workin in a mask for up to 24 hours, while doing a surgery, masks are a ok. Yes I have read multiple medical reports on how masks work, and they agree on two things, A) the only danger of wearing a mask is not washing it, B) it is 80% effective at stopping the covid 19 virus from being breathed in.

2020-10-30 15:20:51 UTC  

that's not the only danger

2020-10-30 15:21:01 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:21:04 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:21:07 UTC  

you're breathing in everything you exhale and everything you exhale shouldn't be breathed back in